17 - let him go

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Luke inhaled sharply as Mikey turned to look at him, whispering one tiny word.


But then something went wrong, monitors started beeping frantically and Mikey's breaths became short and quick as his eyes rolled back into his head.

"Help help somebody help!!", Luke shouted frantically, running out into the hallway.

Several doctors and nurses rushed into the room, surrounding Mikey.

"We're losing him, we've got to get to the OR quick!"

Luke started crying all over again as they began to wheel his bed out of the room, following along behind them quickly.

Suddenly, two nurses grabbed him, holding him back.

"No, no! Let me go!!!", he shouted, struggling to get out of their grasp.

"Honey if you want him to live you've got to let them go.", the same nurse from earlier said, rubbing his back.

He stopped struggling and just stood there, tears coming down his face. He realized, that sometimes if you loved someone, you just had to let them go.

"I love you Mikey."


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