Part 6

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"I want to be left alone for some time "

"Are you sure albertina " uncle enquired his voice full of uncertainty unsure and yet worried about what his crazy niece must be up to through the mindlink

Now l was entirely sure how much not only my uncle was worried about my questionable actions ,l had just abruptly left in the middle of a pack briefing
Rushing off towards the pack house and immediatly locking myself in this room without wasting anytime to allow anyone to come in and disturb me .

l only locked myself when the ugly reality of being a tribid surfaced when the witch, vampire and werewolf side all wanted control at the same time and l didn't want mother to find out as it always gave her sleepless nights only the gang and uncle knew about this dilemma of mine so now l suppose they thought l was actually going through the same thing

Goodness l sighed after all this thinking not to mention all the events in the last few days

Only if they knew what l was experiencing the first symptoms a female in heat would experience but l was a rogue and rogues didn't experience any heat the moment we were thrown out of packs we ceased to be wolves and became rogues even us the offspring of rogues the same fortune befell us

Heat only happened when a female encountered her male . Some of the females considered this cutsom a gift from the mother goddess as it brought the male and females closer .Heat only soothed when the male was around and stopped when they both consumated their relationship but as for me l had only slept with one guy and to top it off he was just a stranger

"and if l was his mate then l wouldn't be experiencing this pain " a familiar voice finished the sentence and at the same time bringing me back to reality

"You" l uttered trying to get a grip on myself as shock was clearly visible on my face , it was clear how taken aback l was by his presence not to mention all the foreign feelings that had already start to take dorminance over me

"Yes Honey Oh it clearly seems someone missed me big time " this guy clearly had an effect that l could never comprehend as l continued to listen to him l coulf feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach and my heart beat increasing

"I know l know what you want to ask but comeon Cherry who can stop one lover from getting to another "he said continuing to take advantage of my silence

"Lover " l scoffed unable to digest what l had just heard to be honest this person was a bitter and yet sweet memory

"You must be joking right , we no Sir there is no we because we are nothing casual remember " l tried to clear the air but the pain of my heat was starting to get intense however there was nothing l could not endure life had already taught me many lessons so being a weakling was truly not part of the deal .l needed to swallow this pain or it would be clear to him that something was wrong with me

"You need to leave " l abruptly said out of the blue l needed him to leave although l needed hin to stay more but legend had it that if someone who wasn't your mate touched you then the pain would increase greatly

Ever since he arrived something in me was desparately calling out to him and those dangerous deadly deep blue eyes weren't making any of this easier speaking of eyes why were his eyes glowing could it be

" Are you done " his deep voice cut me off

"What " now l was playing really dumb and l hated it then why did l answer that no one ever rendered me this speechless

" l figured that you might want some privacy on your thoughts so l closed the link l will open it only and only when you allow me to "

"Am not charity whether you close it or not l really don't care it's your ability not mine so you use it on your own free accord"

now this was all a lie l was more than pleased that he had closed it l has actually started to wonder why he possessed the same ability as hulk there , to some extent l was equally ashamed at my own thoughts l was continued drooling over his well tanned manly muscular structure as images of that night kept coming to my mind

"Rynn " he randomly said breaking the awkward silence between us entirely ignoring my white lie while making himself comfortable on my bed with a smirk on his face

" Was telling me your name really necessary " am damned why was another part of me clearly glad to know his name all these feelings weren't coming from my wolf or was it because l was a tribid

"Feisty " Rynn said as he appeared pleased by my answer then did he know who l was from the first day we met

Gruesome pain rippled through me as l was about to ask him what he wanted from me just then l found myself slightly feeling dizzy and seeking balance from my desk

Before l had even realised it l found myself being held by strong hands in seconds l found my self being carried of the ground and towards the bed

" relax baby am here now and we will get through this together " Rynn reassured me full of concern while removing a few strands of hair on my face

For a moment l had clearly lost myself in the heat of the moment things were clearly getting out of hand but something more powerful had gotten hold of me and l was losing control but l could truly fight it whatever it was

" stay away from me " l finally managed to say pushing him away and trying to look away at the same time

what was l about to do . I had promised myself that l would never get intimate with anyone after the Rynn encounter and here l was about to do the same thing again with the same person

was it the heat or were these just my feelings getting the better of me , Could it be that l was actually already in love with someone who was not my mate

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