Part 12

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Within seconds l found his lips smashing onto mine , for a moment l swear my knees went numb and those familiar sparks flew once again in the pit of my stomach , pulling him closer l allowed  what both my wolf and l wanted  his breath on me l could catch his masculine scent of pure lillies it was supressing his cologne  that's one thing l could never  understand about these males

We were at an age when everyone  had a mate and was happy even Nia had already  found hers

And here l was somewhere deep in the jungle moaning  some man's  name whom l barely  knew  and had jus met when it should  be  my mate whom l couldn't keep off my hands , am sure my mother must be disgusted with me right now but l jus couldn't  bring myself to stopping him.

"Sorry " what l silently  thought  to myself this was the last thing l was expecting from him , how can he just stop in the middle  of being intimate  with someone

" l just lost control  for a moment"

"Who cares about what you do , anyways l was about to stop you " l said while sighing and trying to make him believe  what l was saying but from the look on his face  l knew he wasn't  buying anything  l was saying  now

"Well this time am not gonna waste time arguing with you ,l know how stubborn you can be"

Okay this was a first so he knew how to be serious 

" okay let me leave l just wanted to  check on you see how you were doing  physically  cause your emotions were  a bit overwhelming "

"Obviously  you must have heard about the Savage , monster " l said in utter disgust

" Come on my lady  we both know  you are better  than that "

Wow him saying those words suddenly  meant  a lot to me not only that but the assurance  in his words and the way he was looking  at  me  it was just giving me the   l can do it vibes

"Who are you"  l randomly  asked  failing to make sense of the situation  where the hell did that even come from , he must be clearly  a high ranking wolf his agility scent and the  authority he exudes could he be lycanthrope

"mate" both my wolf and l said

Huh l must be the dumbest person in this world right now the heat , the mind link then why wasn't  everyone  getting  his

"Oh my God "  l suddenly  said out loud ruffling my hair interrupting the terrain of my thoughts ,am sure even Jade must have been startled by my sudden reaction

Now it was all making sense that's  why everyone was giving me such weird looks when l went round the pack area , his scent must have been all over me after that night  am quite sure not just uncle but everyone  knew if so why didn't  my mother ever say anything  about it she must have smelled him on me .

"Honey Earth  please "  Rynn 's voice me  bought  back to reality  this was all overwhelming 

"You have finally  caught on"

"Rynn when did you find out and why didn't you  bother even telling  me after all this time we spent  all together "

"Wait Babe you are really  panicking "

Babe  really  my mate must be a player  a real cassanova , he was just a flirt am so sure am not the  only girl he is banging  What disrespect to our bond

"and you don't roll your eyes on me  , when l talk you listen "

Was this guy being real with me right now who talks to his mate in such a manner , even if am his mate still that doesn't  give him the right to be so rude .

"I admit it was wrong of me to keep such detail  from you , but trust me l just found out as you did and l actually  had to confirm it that day you found me  in the wound and saved my life "

The ways he was avoiding  eye contact  when he was trying to explain  the whole mate saga  could only spell that he was trying to hide something for sure  but what ever it is guess what l really  didn't  care

"Am not your typical  mate Mr. Cass  am  still to decide whether to accept or reject , also don't  ever expect complete  obedience from me "

As soon as those words slipped out of my mouth l immediately  regretted  having said such words  the hurt was clearly visible  on his face and for the first time l could feel his pain in through the mate bond

It was normal for male werewolves to immediately  feel protective upon finding their mate although rejection was totally  off limits to us rogues some still went through  for it

" l mean it "  l found myself  saying although  l so badly  wanted to take him in my arms assuring him that whatever we had was truly  special and l was willing to start with him understand  him , be vulnerable  to him have pups and clearly  be his female  but all this was  not possible  my rage was searing through me those murders  needed to pay

"You know nothing is impossible  right at some point somewhere in my life someone once told me the actual meaning of the  word ,lm possible"

Rynn randomly  said while taking a run for the territorial boarder soon l heard the most terror striking  Howl ever , one only heard in legends 

It was typically the way  the original lycanthrope  king announced the  arrival of his bethroned or beloved whatever they called her but basically  it was his queen to his subjects be it loyal or not every werewolf would know that  their king had finally  found the one and celebrations would immediately  begin .

Everything  just fell quite after the terrifying  howl it seemed as if  everything  had come to a standstill l was never a huge fan of history  neither were my gang  but Nancy loved the romantic  stories of the kings and queens  but if this howl was actually  what it was said to be who could it be

"Was it Rynn"  l silently thought  but the storm inside me couldn't allow it to be him

I had a lot of questions but no answers to them at least Rynn seemed to have figured something  out , dammit  why couldn't  l have recognized  it sooner that the connection  we shared wasn't  normal the way he showed up during  my heat the way he is always in my head , the way l cant even tame my  wolf  when he is around

That's when it clicked Rynn had gotten so angry when l mentioned  rejection so much l thought  he was gonna mark me but when he left he seemed happy then  he must have read  my mind

"it must be something big if you are pacing up and down that much" Rain's  voice brought me from the daze

"Leave the poor girl alone she is just going through alot right now" as uncle was saying those words l coincidentally  agreed  with  him it was really  alot to handle  and l just couldn't  handle it all alone the slumber into another realm

"Come on Tina we are all here talk to us  you have ruffled that  hair enough "

"Am also agreeing with ishy on this one"

Lifting  my head after Tony's suggestion thats when l realized that the whole gang had followed me out here including  my uncle

"We need to act fast Alpha rumor has it that the king had now found a mate and soon they will be crowned "

So now they are already  holding  celebrations after brutally  murdering  my mom

"Yes Xavier has finally  stepped down you all  know what that howl was about right from today onwards the wolf Kingdom  shall witness a new reign or will it face a struggle of power " my uncle looked on after adding to my beta's words.

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