Part 10

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''Tina '' l could hear Nia  shouting at the top of her vice in the hallways now what had happened l thought silently to myself and l was sure rain was thinking the same thing as it was clearly written on his face as we just looked at each other cluelessly

''Have you seen this Tina , '' she came  storming into my office abruptly  throwing off  her phone to me   almost out of breath '' and with the way you are sitting in here l guess you haven't'' she continued while making herself comfortable on the recliner in my office  her face beaming with anger  and frustration  knowing  her l knew better than to asking any questions  taking in the phone without  wasting any time

I could not  believe  what l was reading


"What "  Rain's bold  voice said over my shoulder before l could read any further , 

''what a nasty heading'' he commented

For a moment l was lost in my own world as  l could feel the tears threatening to come out guess l wasn't as strong as l thought myself to be , but at the same time l managed to compose myself 

" This was expected  of them they will stop at nothing  till they destroy this pack ''l said laughing half heartedly without even bothering to finish reading the whole article , l hastily handed Rain the phone who seemed eager to be reading on  trying to pretend that l wasn't bothered with what the article was saying 

''stop girl we all know what you are trying to do how many times should we tell you not to pull such stunts with us ''

damn these guys really knew me they were my friends after all  but now l was the Alpha Queen and l really couldn't afford any weakness l needed to clearly mark my territory and show these toothless dogs who was the boss around here . it was them who stole our rightful places and threw us out of the pack and now they won't let us leave in peace .

''and she calls herself the queen yet she is just a monster thirsting for blood , how can our children , women and even men feel safe to walk the night not to mention yet alone during the day , when such monsters exist in our world '' my uncle shouted utter disgust spelled in his voice making entry into my office as well  and l knew this was only the beginning , he had clearly warned me of this and now everything was just turning out as he had said 

 how could l explain to him what was happening when l even could not understand it myself why did l freaking do what l just did fuck l could not even recognize myself the murderous expression on my face not to mention the way my canines had elongated into the poor wolf's neck .

mother goddess what was happening to me today was supposed to be my first day at work after all this heat drama , the only thing that was eating me up was the worry about my pack l needed to see if they were okay and now things could only better what a fate .

''Guys one thing is for sure we have a mole in our midst '' the twins said in unison goodness l thought l was just thinking the same thing as well  this person  sure had the lycanthrope  support, now the big question on everyone's mind was who could it be that was daring to work against us clearly someone was out to destory this pack

''Why do we always have to prove to the lycanthrope that rogues will always be rogues no matter what cant some one just keep his damn mouth closed ''

''Yeah Nia can't we just keep quite about some things ''my beta seemed to be agreeing with Nia and so was everyone in the room except my uncle who remained unfazed by whatever conversation was going on in the room his face remained stern anger written on his face while he stood motionless in the far corner his arms folded . it was evident that since his eyes weren't glowing he was just battling with his own thoughts 

 ''yes l seem to be agreeing with what you are saying as well but As your Alpha l think its time we sit down and strategically plan what our next move should be ''

''Alphas are responsible for their packs and most importantly their actions are what makes them alphas '' in a soft tone uncle finally said 

'' its good to know that you remember that you are the Alpha'' he continued 

not was l the only one amazed with my uncle's words so was everyone in the room but no one dared speak up to him , neither could l speak up because l really knew l messed up

''do you really think that little stunt of yours will stop here the news is spreading like wild fire not only outside there but here in this pack , your pack what do you think they are saying Ms. Alpha''

now he was pushing the wrong buttons and if he keeps this up am sure very soon l will be forgetting that he is my uncle but to a greater extent this guy was spelling the truth in its raw form what was l going to do if the pack revolts and it falls apart  wait that's exactly what the lycanthrope was trying to do 

''REVOLT''  we all said at once shock evident in everyone's eyes

''Good atleast now l know am not talking with a bunch of kids , now you understand why l was so mad with you Tina  that is where that strategic planning of yours should begin "

And yet again he was correct maybe l really  needed a little bit of reprimanding deep inside l knew things were really getting  out of hand  . This guy there  will always remain my uncle no matter what l silently  though as a huge smile plastered on my face

"Our problems just got bigger " Tony said entering the room looking  exhausted 

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