part 9

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She was his everything  his only heaven on earth and he was her night in shining armour .Their tale was one which would go done in history lanes as legendary there were like blood and water hardly inseparable little did he know when she became his weaknesses  and when he became her weakness .

An innocent sweet love story behind such a brutal  reality of the birth of the nameless queen legend they had said he wanted to protect her from the heartless witches who wanted to get back at the king for the humiliation he had done on them so as to find her they had skillfuly summoned upon tgeir highest of powers and created the lycanthrope  mark but as they say love conquers all

"Uncle what are you saying "
Although  l had the slightest  hint what uncle was saying l still needed to hear it from him .this was only after a few days after l found myseld with the mark

everything  was still sounding so untrue for me how can l be Queen luna , this was a special  mark from the moon goddess and

"Albertina that is what l have been trying to figure out too "uncle simultaneously said as l was still trying to make sense

"But uncle why didn't you say anything  from the beginning "

Although  this conversation  was getting  interesting  duty called first and l needed to be somewhere  and fast ,l had met uncle in the hallways and he had insisted on talking to me but now guess l had spent enough time out of my pressing schedule

"Who dared sneak in to my territory " l boldly  shouted while storming into my office 

" l was just out for a few days and my beta failed to keep things in check haha  funny  right " l sarcastically continued 

Dammit l was equally responsible too l knew it that this moment  of weakness would cost me dearly but l never knew it would happen  so soon

Everyone  was our enemy  we had ghits on one side and the lycanthrope  on the other only the moon goddess could save us now no one knew who had managed  to come into our pack

"It must be a spy "

"I think you are right Rain "

"This only means one thing "

"So will we really  go through all that ordeal once again "

Tony had asked already  sounding  exhausted whenever someone managed to come into our lands my mother had trained us to restructure everything  so as to misguide the intruder and catch him the soonest  because he will be the odd one out

According to my mother all the spies came exuding the same information so it was easier to lure them 

"Arghhh Tina"  Nia complained but l wasn't  ready to listen

It is time we show who ever is trying  to play these sick games with us what we can truly  do with our badass queen

One moment  l was going through the pack area doing an inspection  with my beta and the next pack soldiers were trying to pull me away from murdering someone in broad daylight

"Tell me Albertina what sort of behaviour  was that"  my uncle continued  questioning me and l had already  lost count of the times he had asked me the same question  and he was getting  on ny names

"I don't  answer to anyone "

"Young lady you don't  snap at me when am talking to you  , do you get that , l may be loyal to you but am still your uncle , your elder does that ring a bell "

I may have gone over board there and now l was  feeling  ashamed of my actions l had always respected him he was typically  like my fathet to

" l don't  know it was more like his scent it was different and  " sighing  l stopped midway l couldn't  even explain  what had happened 

" its like l was there , l tried telling  her to stop but it seemed as if l had lost control  over her for a little  bit

All l could see was blood , l remember  lunging forward anf taking him by the neck

"So what will your pack think of you now , that our Aplha is a bloodthirsty  savage ,  Who are you anyway  " my uncle said as he looked at me with disappointment 

This was the first time l had seen him in despair  and confusion  , it was the first  time he looked at me as if l was a stranger dammit  did l actually  mess up that  bad and l couldn't even remember clearly everything was blurry

Sitting alone in my office  after uncle's departure  about  an hour ago l just couldn't  get over  his words  not to mention the look he had on his face l thought l had seen a little  bit of disgust too

"Ruffling your head won't  work this time you miser "

" Rain "

"After your little drama have you even taken a look at the state of your pack out there  your highness it seems as though this pack is a desert you have left those poor wolves in shock commander in chief "

"Now stop pulling my leg and show me "

I guess this was one good thing  l could do telling Rain to bring me the pack area CCTV footage

"No that is not me " l silently uttered  to myself how could l be that beast at one moment my canines  elongated deep into the poor wolfs neck , l couldn't  even recognise myself who was in that video the scene was absolutely  too messy

"Calm down Tina ,get a grip on yourself "

"But Rain how could you let me do such a deed"

"You were too fast for us and it was already too late for us "

Damn it but l could not have just killed someone out of the blue something must have triggered it and l needed to find it out  at least  tge last time l had a reason and it was right but this time

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