Part 3

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''Where am l , what is this place , how did l even end up here and most importantly what is happening here
Unanswered questions clouded my already confused mind

This place looked so lifeless yet that wasn't intimidating me enough .it seemed as if l was standing in my own death bed

My kind lived in a world were what was known as the lycanthrope Council ruled by an iron fist they were a pack of werewolves who were said to have been blessed by the moon goddess with unique powers and gifts never seen by mortal eye before they are said to shift at an early age than normal wolves thus possessing strength agility even speed and special gifts  , when l first shifted everyone had thought l was a lycanthrope but it had turned otherwise so cutting the long story short at first they were the miracle that my kind had been praying for but as time went by injustice started seeping in and before everyone knew it the lycanthrope had turned corrupt , merciless ,ruthless

Hence we came into existence through what they called the Rogue system .A kind of system were a werewolves are declared rogue meaning  separation from your pack and left to rot on your own or to prey to the Gihts our greatest enemy a special kind of Vampires who just killed werewolves for fun a threat to our existence .The rogue system was deemed unfair because guilty or not if they just felt that your service is no longer required then they would just throw you out of the pack making you Rogue many families were destroyed , children left motherless or fatherless and made into omegas the dogs if the pack that's how crooked this system was

For us werewolves packs are like the air we breathe without a pack we can't function properly we are like an empty can without even the slightest of emotions , a wolf can just die without his or her pack so my mom was one such wolf who fell prey to the system but as they say maybe it was the moon goddess gift in disguise of hearing the plea of her children , because for ages no one had dared to go against the lycanthrope as they were the most powerful beings to ever walk the face of the earth

but she as they called her the Rogue Queen a name that sent chills down their spine when uttered , the devil incarnate an abomination to the werewolf kind, had stood were no one had ever dared to Enough was Enough , taming the untamable and creating a pack out of nothing just while Conquering all the four corners of the world taking in every being that needed shelter under her wing thus becoming their worst nightmare ,She was unstoppable with an insatiable hunger to just see the lycanthrope with their tails between their legs some say it was resentment, anger and immense pain that drove her but no one really ever told me about how and as to why she and my uncle had fallen prey to the Rogue system

''Daughter of Rogue Queen , what do we honor the pleasure of such a visit '' a mocking voice pulled me back to reality

turning my head l was met with a beautiful woman who looked just like my mother long brown hair , and in her middle forties obviously older than that  clearing all the confusion out of my head l put up my defense mode

''no need to be all defensive , here no one will bother you , either the stupid like me or the ones who think they are brave will only talk to you '' wait what did she mean by that this place seemed strange yes l agree but why would these people be scared about me

''what is this place ''l boldly asked raising my head high

''just as expected even your tone is no joke , so what they say is true pinch someone in the flesh and the worst of them come out who ever dreamed that in just 24 hours a lot will change a spoiled careless and reckless girl like you will become this bold scary ''

''stop '' l immediately cut her off l was done hearing her little talk about me

''wow so short tempered ''

''just answer the damn question '' now l was losing it l immediately cut her off again why was this woman trying to get on my nerves repeatedly

''lost souls come here looking for life , but guess what no one has ever found the way out ''

''so you are a lost soul'' l asked curious

''no am the guard ''now l was more confused were was she when l arrived if she was supposed to be guarding this place

''no definitely not the type of guard you must be thinking , am not allowed to question you or ask why but l must say you are one really complicated girl , the last time we thought it was out of compassion but luckily your mom managed to convince other wise but now is it out of the mateb''

''Sofia '' a deep male voice immediately cut her off , so this woman's name must be Sofia because she immediately fell silent as fear took possession of her face what ever she was about to say must have been something that could get her into deep shit , l was now confused and who was this man his aura held a lot of authority

''Lya''she said bowing her head in respect wait does it meant l was supposed to do the same to this stranger my Mom always said when in Rome faced with another authority do what Romans do but today l just felt that this man didn't deserve any respect from me rather he should be the one bowing before me

''yes you are highly correct l should be the one showing you respect '' he the man l had come to know as Lya immediately interrupted my terrain of thoughts wait did he just read my mind just now only mated wolves could do that

''yes l have just read your thoughts , didn't you recognize it the first time you talked to Sofia that she could do the same '' now this made sense

''l suggest you stop talking in your mind and just be straight forward , like you been all the while it really suits you l must say ''

''am l a lost soul ''

''that is what l have been trying to figure out since you arrived , you gave life and that was your duty , none the less l still don't u''

''wait what do you mean by my duty '' l snapped at him l wasn't allowed any thoughts so l really just needed to be straight forward

''am sorry but that is not my place to say anything ''

''hey Mr Hulk l just end up in this strange place , l meet this strange woman who start bragging off about my life and you cut her off when she is about to say something about mates , and she runs off ,Perfect there is nothing to be shy about l have seen this a lot when mates find each other

if am mated to a soulless man don't worry l won't reject you but it's just that l have a pack to run and you also seem to be a man of high importance so we will just have to make it work ''l said finally shrugging my shoulders while taking a moment as l now realized that l hadn't even taken a second to breath that's when l saw that he was already laughing at me

''did l say anything stupid''

''Mr Hulk really am l really that big l thought l was a dare devil many woman here would give up anything just for a one night stand with me ''

''no no l didn't mean to offend you or any of that ''

''and no we are definitely not mates ''he suddenly cut me off again

''so if we are not mates and it was more of my duty to save that dying wolf then '' l said stopping midway as l was failing to put everything together

''the only thing l can say to you is what did you feel that night when you were with him

by that l knew exactly what he meant '' HIM''

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