Part 8

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Albertina pov

For a moment it was the way he looked at me , it was so unique l had never witnessed  such alook before in my life there was a certaim fascination it held

l was sure it wasn't a look for lust or pity  it was beyond that it was as if he was looking at something of immense  value from a museum that if given an opportunity he would grab it and run for the hills to keep it for himself but all the more his actions  were naking my knees weeks

For a moment l was content , all the volcanoes that had been erupting within  me from the last few weeks had all been extingushed , and all l wanted was to stay like this cuddled deep in his arms it was such a pricless moment and l was sure l would give anything to have this moment  everyday for the rest of my life

"Ouch" as soon as that word left my mouth l immediately  regreted damn it l was getting weaker by each second .no matter  how much l hated to admit it l liked this guy's caring concerned side towards me

"What happened  " he asked startled just as l was

"It was just another burst " now this was another step towards something l couldn't  name l was starting  to open up to him , my bitter sweet mistake

"Do you mind sharing the joke that's making you smile" his deep voice brought me back to reality

"Don't you think this position is just weird "

"Not for me ," Rynn shrugged while pulling me closer to his body

" if that's what it takes for you to be okay "  he continued

I could feel a smile creeping up my face damn it l knew he was a Casanova but with this heat going on this flattery really  wouldn't help us 

Laying my head on his chest l just couldn't help but admire his facial features exhaustion was clear  on his face with his eyes closed he looked so calm and peaceful at one moment  l found myself hopelessly wishing he was my mate ,l wanted to know more about this mysterious man l was cuddling in my bed

The only man l had allowed to take my innocence which l was saving for my mate

It was believed that inorder to strengthen the mate bond  mates had to save themselves for each other both male and females .Even as Rogues we still observed some of these traditions since my mother tried to normalize everything in our pack like any other packs out there

" l really don't mind the staring ,but l don't think overthinking in this condition  is a good idea"

Wait wasn't he just asleep a while ago if there was one thing l was hating about this Jade was the way he rendered me speechless every time

" No l was just wondering don't you have a family to return to '' just as those words slipped from my mouth l immediately found myself regretting having to have said such 

Rynn's reaction was totally unexpected for a moment a stranger had replaced the jovial man l was once  acquainted with his face became gloomy , stern filled with a lot of resentment but he was quick to hide this vulnerability to me with his flirtious side

''you baby are my family'' definitely not again l thought l had just seen some tears in his eyes should l maybe ask again was this guy seriously  hiding his pain from me

''Nah stop it '' l jokingly hit his chest as l got up from the bed making my way to the rest room 

with each passing second l found myself changing only wanting to do things which pleased this guy and this wasn't truly not me , my actions argued with my thoughts and it was as if l was in the middle of an island of confusion 

''l love you Albertina '' for a moment goosebumps rippled through me as his words took me by surprise they were totally uncalled for l thought almost coming  to a halt in my steps

''l mean it '' l could feel the sincerity that accompanied the seriousness in his tone

l love you too l wanted to say but l found my self dumbfounded although this wasn't the first time Jade was professing his love for me l had truly  lost count

My heart had just started pounding with amazing rapidity and l was failing to actually comprehend what was happening to me ,

Continuing to walk towards the bath room l tried to ignore the adverse effects his words were having on me though l found myself clutching harder  on to my chest trying to normalize my breathing it must be the heat l thought.

Rynn was the type of guy who would never give up until l reciprocated his love he seemed to believe that l felt the same way too and he was correct

In all honesty l loved him maybe more than he could have ever loved me back but my responsibilities were holding me back l was still the Alpha of my pack and they came first before anything else to top it off he wasn't my mate and it would only make matters worse

Not that there weren't any other people who had surpassed this problem of mating with some other people who weren't their mates but l just felt l was too busy to be involved in all these messes so it was final l needed to tell Jade to stop whatever madness  he had going on in his mind

"Rynn we need " before l could complete  the statement  l realised that the spot was empty where l had left him laying on

"Rynn " l called  out as l ran over frantically all over the room looking for him but couldn't  find him even the balcony  was empty  and again he had just vanished into thin air before we could be clear to eachother

My weird love l was grateful for having  him in my life amidst it all

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