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Rynn pov

''Rynn Zeus Xander Cage is clearly getting it from me today  '' just exactly as l expected my father was literally fuming and now not even my mother could save me from his wrath , the howl was part of official protocol which l did not follow hearing my parents quarrel and feeling all the negative emotions coming in from my mate l was literally starting to understand the importance of protocol l had tried talking to her through the mate bond but she was still not ready to speak 

''Honey please give the child some time to explain'' the last time l had heard my parents argue like this were the matter concerning something about the rogues ,and everyone knew better than intervene l swear the whole mansion would only be filled with their voices as my mother was the only one who could equally stand up to him without dire consequences 

''explanations , lsabella of all people you should now know exactly how l feel about those ''

my father was a man who considered explanations as nothing but excuses and my mother knew no better but now it was her motherly instincts taking over , my actions clearly had no explanation ,just then my father spotted me making my way towards them l wasn't going to run away from my actions l was a man after all

''Child really Bella, is this full grown up man who has the whole kingdom on his crown the one you are addressing as a child ''

"Father with all due respect "

''If l were you l would consider carefully the next words am going to say ''he abruptly cut me off

''the primal declaration ,sweetie you just let the whole world know that you have found your mate in such a way without even letting the council know first  ''

''l thought you are now a grown up man who could shoulder a kingdom , but look at this mess you have gotten us into , Kings follow protocols they do not just act on their feelings or impulses , your wolf is ancient and it must have known better , you and your mate are the blessing but the way you two are doing things '' l could see anger , disappointment , regret flashing through my father's eyes he was clearly lost and this was the first time l was literally seeing my father in an almost depressed state

the primal ancient declaration was a way in which the royal lycanthrope would declare and announce the arrival of their mate to their fellow pack , then celebrations would be done as the wolves howl the arrival of their new capable Luna 

''she didn't know ,''my mother finally started breaking the cold atmosphere ,

'' l mean your future daughter in law probably has no idea that our son right here is her mate and he is the heir apparent to lycanthrope , '' my mother was the only one who knew that l had found my mate and who exactly she was , and now l could see just how much she had gotten attached to the girl 

''and oh yes l was the one who told my son to mask his scent when around her ''

''now l am also a fan of this daughter in law of mine she has both my son and wife wrapped around her little finger , can l now at least know the honors of who she is  '' 

''Albertina '' l found her beautiful name rolling down my lips without any further thought l was ready with whatever was going to happen 

''since you are the king , l believe this is going to be your first royal official matter the council will be requesting your audience soon '' his reaction almost left me startled a little bit but knowing my mother she might have let something slip that gave my father a hint and now l just confirmed his suspicion 

''Honey are you really going to let those maniacs eat our son alive when you are not even there ''the  council were such an ugly meet they were known for their unfavorable yet brutual decisions , whenever a council meeting were to be called that's when kings became commoners 

''we both know how ugly things can get in there , and you are letting him go alone for the first time what if they harm the both of them , let the children off the hook that is why we are elders we will atone for our pups '' now l was no pup and l needed no one to protect ,me l swear l could go all savage on all those age old council members they clearly didn't know what l was ,

mother's convincing tactics were working and l could see my dad easing up 

''talk boy ,how did you start thinking with your pants ''

''you know how my wolf gets out of control , Today it just did that when we heard her speaking about rejection Father for a second we completely lost it together but l tried reason which clearly didn't work and he went on with the declaration ''

My father was one complicated man growing up l had realized that having to carry the burden of more than a million people on your shoulders was never an easy task but amidst it all somehow he clearly managed to always put us first , his family and those were the times l felt more proud of him and today he was clearly doing the same despite him not having good relations with the rogues he was never disrespecting my mate in front of me , never saying her name with malice but love .

''Yours is a very complicated son one  '' both my parents simultaneously said in despair their love for me visible in their eyes

I was a Cage afterall and Cages are known to protect what is theirs whether its the council or any one else just like l had promised my self the day l met her l will never let go of my mate , l shall protect her with whatever l have even if it means my life she was mine after all

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