Part 2

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As l walked into the woods the scent got stronger and stronger following its trail a familiar smell started to mix with the scent

oh my God , it was blood was this peculiar scented wolf in any trouble l thought to my self as l raced through the thick jungle 

Mother Goddess l subconsciously uttered as l came to a halt while immediately shifting back into my human form and grabbing clothes from a nearby tree , we alwalys made sure to leave clothes in various spots around the pack area

for a moment l could not believe the sight in front of me ,firstly it was the size of the wolf that took me aback massive was an underestimation it was like nothing l had ever seen before ,The werewolf's fur, was now matted and stained with patches of dark, clotted blood. Deep gashes and torn flesh marred its body, leaving exposed muscle and bone. The wounds wept with a mix of fresh blood and the creature's own determination to press on

 Its breath came in labored gasps, a rasp that echoed through the stillness of the forest. The werewolf's eyes,  held a dimmed glimmer, clouded with agony and exhaustion. Each movement elicited a wince, a visible reminder of the torment coursing through its battered frame.

there were certain things in this world that one would never wish upon even their worst enemy and this sight was surely something no wolf would ever desire upon another , the way this peculiar's wolf was drawing me was so unusual ,

just then it struck me why didn't anyone see this trespasser coming into our territory .

Though our pack was a home to the homeless it was still a home for us too so my mom was kind of strict about who comes in as we had a lot of enemies so patrol was tight each and every second there would be soldiers patrolling the boarders.

"Excuse me " l tried talking to it but it continued whimpering remaining motionless that's when l realized it was lying in a pool of blood and was on the verge of death .

what am l going to do , today was my unlucky day l thought to myself ruffling my already messy hair what kind of trick was destiny playing on me ,everyone around me was suddenly dying even this stranger with such an intriguing scent was lying in front of me on the verge of death

" well done today is your lucky day l suppose you won't die " now my Uncle was going to kill me if he found out what l was going to do but l just couldn't let this poor wolf die

"Savior  " Tony and Rain's voices ,echoed simultaneously throughout the forest now this was the least l expected

how did they know l was here shit it must been Nia , now the whole gang was here .

Though my mom was against the idea of me having friends as she believed that friends were nothing but backstabbers and could become a weakness , she had finally given up as she wanted nothing but the best for me so seeing me sad every day because l longed for my friends she decided to accept the fact that they were my friends and our love  for each other was truly exceptional we were the true definition of what her real dream of a rogue pack was

People of different caliber coming together and staying in one accord and our friendship clearly symbolized that so all she could do was make us family , friends that became a close knit  family  

"Stop acting confused we know what you are about to do " Rain spoke up if you would ask us he was the most responsible one among the lot ,the elder brother l could never had but destined favored me to have 

we were all twenty but different in our own way for example Rain was a Vampire , Nia  a witch , Tony and Ishy werewolves and l a tribrid but somehow growing up in a pack like ours we all got along pretty well

" guys come on this is the last "l sheepishly tried convincing them though l knew it was hopeless

"And what did she say the last time " ishy instantly cut me off , last time was different l silently thought this time l truly feel obligated 

" we were somehow convinced after your speech that you will surely become a great leader huh maybe greater than your mom we saw conviction, hope possibility do you know what it is like out there for people like us " Rain continued his taunts deep down l truly knew that to some extent he was speaking the truth

"and what if you really die this time then "he continued 

Now Rain was complicating things the last time l had tried saving a dying wolf l had almost died if not for my mom who had managed to stop it from happening and now she was gone if l do it again and death comes knocking who will stop me from being locked away in an unknown realm all his points were true , l had shaded anew ray of hope for the people and they were counting on me

"Your pack always comes first young lady take that to heart and you will surely become a more than capable Alpha " my mother's words replayed in my head

Now l was helpless something in me was telling me to just save this lifeless wolf here but my pack also need me kneeling beside the dying wolf l gave one last look at my friends , my mind was made up if l die then l die life is all about taking risks there was nothing they could do using my vampire speed before Nia could do anything l had already bit hard into the wolf , that was one of the capabilities l had biting , it was more of like a way of breathing back life into a person

"Albertina " was the last thing l heard after all things went blank and l thought l had heard my uncle's voice

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