Part 1

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Taking in a deep breath l stepped on to the podium , millions of eyes full of different emotions and unanswered questions were all looking at me as if l was their glimmer of hope in the darkness not to mention the atmosphere surrounding the pack area which was so intense full of sorrow and grief not to mention the overwhelming silence that spelled a different mystery altogether.

It was at this moment that l realized that my life was never going to be same again although l had accepted that a few hours ago when l had received the news of my mother's passing l never realized what her passing truly meant until now as l stood on this podium

Not only was l a girl who had just lost her mother and was still in conflict with the fact of her death but l had become someone's ray of light in the darkness so l was going to be strong for them my pack, now they had become my life , and l was surely never going to let anything untoward happen to them and l was surely going to fight for them till my last breath .It was a new beginning our new beginning to a new era

Now was the time to make my Mom proud l thought to myself as l started speaking

"Yeah l know what most of you are thinking right now you must be thinking who that crazy person is to have let a foolish spoiled inexperienced twenty year old address at such an important gathering well l think l might have good news to any who thinks of me as incompetent or whatever word you might use to describe me you are free to come up and challenge me "

At this point it felt as though l wasn't the one speaking but just like mom always used to say a girl gotta do what a girl does to survive and l was surely ready to show them who was the boss here if my Mom lost her life standing up for this abomination as they called it then l was surely going to make it up to her and l wasn't going to let anything l mean anything stop me

" well since no one could come up l guess your silence says you accept me as your queen , now we turn on a new leaf and carry on as usual , We shall continue just like before but strong as ever and ruthless to those that despise us , always cherishing each other lets take them by surprise they thought they could break us but after all they have finally destroyed themselves "

This is working l thought to myself as l saw the pack's mood starting to lighten and a glint of hope sparking through the audience so mom was correct after all you need to evoke fear into people first raising your head up high and boldily getting your message across they will surely listen and that is exactly what l was doing

"We are the rogues and we will surely be their worst nightmare , they are the ones who started it they took from us and we will surely take from them , now they will know what a pack of angry vicious Rogues can do with their queen leading them " as l was speaking my heart beat had started to rapidly beat very fast and l could feel my wolf threatening to come out

l wasn't angry but l was definately sad , with great difficulty l had learned to control my wolf she was really one crazy girl l could see that my uncle had seen it too and was already worried but l couldn't leave in the middle of a speech l needed to tame this now and finish my speech

Clearing my thought l started to continue " what do they say , huh shadows lurking in the dark huh , what did they say lets sign a peace treaty , " by now l could feel my voice changing gripping on the sides of the table in front of me now slightly bent l again attempted to continue

" we accept you , we accept R" now l was starting to see a little blury what was happening to me l know l shifted a little bit too early than the normal age for werewolves to shift but l never had any complications before

"Tina l think you should stop here for now , l think they have understood " my uncle whispered in my ears while patting my back

It was his idea after all that l take up my position quickly as he feared that there might be some rebels in the pack who would want the pack for themselves that his sister had worked so tirelessly for but l just hoped l did the right thing if they expected some sorry heart felt message well scratch them.

Uncle Caleb he was the only relative of my mother that l knew ever since growing up their sibling bond was so strong that taking a bullet for each other would surely just be a piece of cake and l clearly knew that he must be the one hurting more than anyone right now .

Nodding my head in approval l started to turn to leave that's when l caught the smell of early morning scent of honeysuckle and oh my it was so refreshing like nothing l have ever smelt before just then my wolf had gone bezeek it felt as though l was a magnet being drawn to metal no matter how much l was fighting not to follow the scent there was nothing l could do something greater than me was in control but what could it be .

"You go girl " Nia said distracting me from this delicious smell l was failing to resist

" do you smell that "l asked her trying to stop myself from following the scent .

"You must be crazy l don't smell anything unique remember am not a dog "Nia teased me

Yep My mom was one amazing , strongwilled woman what she had done no one had ever done it before , we were a pack of witches werewolves , vampires , hybrids living together peacful and happily too bound by something greater than blood relations .

"Haha funny " l mimicked despite being a witch Nia had a great sense of smell , but why couldn't she get this one

"Lets finish this later " l said while letting this scent cloud my thinking and taking off towards its direction

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