Part 4

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''guys l think she is waking up '' l could hear Nia's voice shout from a distance , all l could see were blurry images wait was l really back home

''yes look she is moving her fingers '' Nia pointed out again at this point l finally opened my eyes and my whole gang was there except for my uncle and the first thing that came to my mind was that wolf

''No No , firstly you must be terrified about dying and coming back to life again , girl we literally lost you , infact had you stopped breathing and here you are about to ask about that wolf '' Tony immediately cut through my terrain of thoughts

yeah he was correct l must be freaked out right now and my worry is that wolf what js really happening to me and looking at everyone's faces l could tell they were clearly worried and wondering the same too

''l know you guys are really concerned but what happened am equally confused too but what is it that you aren't telling me ishy " l was really starting to get annoyed something really nasty was being hidden from me and no one was ready to tell me

''Tina he just ran off the moment he regained he consciousness and neither of us could catch him he was like a bullet train but if you ask me l would surely say he was a royal''

''wait '' l suddenly cut Rain off something was surely not right and they were not telling me all l could see it all on their faces just like they could read my face

''Guys what is the real deal here anyone '' l was now getting really impatient something still seemed off

''Albertina you have the same scent as that wolf ''my uncle said as he came into the room

just as those words came out of his mouth it was as if a sword pierced through my heart at that moment it seemed as if my whole world came to a halt

"What" l stammered in disbelief to us this only happened to mated wolves they got the mixed scent but my case was different l wasn't mated to anyone

''Care to explain '' Uncle brought me back to reality

''Uncle '' l finally managed to say as l struggled to find the right words to say now everyone expected me to explain to them something that was confusing me as well and how was l supposed to find the right answers

''Tina'' Nia suddenly shouted startling not only me but everyone in the room

" your hair its turning white , look uncle Caleb "

Without wasting anytime uncle uncle caleb immediately rushed to my side

" Breath baby Breathe everything is way under control , remember you are now the queen luna your pack needs you "

Just as he said those words it was as if a strong force pulled me back a sense of responsibility no it was surely something greater than that

" wait uncle you are saying everything is way under control do you know what l have been through in the last 48 hours
Mom dies , then l see this wolf at the verge of death l try to help it , and l end up in a weird realm were nameless souls perish then l come back here to be told that am as good as a mated wolf but haha l don't even have the slightest idea whose scent this is"

at this point l could feel my body heating up damnit was l about to shift again my wolf must be really agitated now and l really could feel myself losing control as my wolf was threatening to take control

"What is that carving itself on her right shoulder " ishy again pointed out

Everyone stood in awe with everything that was happening to me except Uncle caleb and this could only mean one thing he had all the answers but will he be ready to answer all my questions because if he didn't then l really couldn't guarantee my sanity any longer

Letting go of me Uncle Caleb stood up from the bed and started pacing up and down in the room

" No this can't be " he hardly murmured under his breath

"Uncle please speak to us " Nia pleaded everyone refered to Ucle Caleb as such because he was just their Uncle too since we all lived like a family

"Tina my baby l need you to be honest and precise with me "

"Did you get intimate with anyone in the last week "

Wow now l really wasn't expecting such a question especially from my uncle not that we weren't that close though but how could l forget that night each and every detail was still on my fingertips

First it was that hulk and now my uncle why is everyone connecting everything to that night

"Tina can l please have a word with you right now"

my head of guard suddenly took every one by surprise as he bursted through the door almost out of breath

This has to be urgent because Jade was a very reserved guy and yes he waz one of the few people l trusted although l never really trusted anyone

"I have been trying to get through using mindlink but seems you still have yours blocked so sorry Alpha it seems am disturbing "

"No Jade nothing is more important than the pack you of all people should know that"

And when l said that l really meant it with all ounce of power l had in me it was time to put the big girl boots on

I immediately requested uncleand the rest of the gang for some privacy because this issue seemed pretty too serious

"Tina it seems the Lycanthrope has decided to pay us a visit "

Wait what did he just say was this another game or what really

Now the moon goddess was deciding to complicate my life even further

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