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[This was requested by Parisa190]

- Bakugo and Midoriya are arrogant yanderes.

- They believe they're the only ones worthy to be in your presence, everybody else is just annoying little pests but pests aren't that difficult to remove considering they're the top two villains in Japan.

- You'd probably meet them by being caught in one of their attacks and being held hostage by them. Once the heroes are forced to back down due to your life being on the line Midoriya would knock you out and bring you back to the base incase they need to use you as a hostage again or to turn you into a nomu.

- Just for fun they'd come down there to mentally torment you but soon they'd grow an addiction to you. They'll love the way you start whimpering and struggling when you hear them come down the stairs.

- Midoriya and Bakugo would be very territorial over you they don't want anyone going near you as you're theirs and theirs only. So don't expect any social interaction besides some of their most trusted villain members who bring you food, water or let you out for bathroom breaks if Bakugo and Midoriya are on missions. You won't be able to see them though as you're blindfolded so you'll be fed by a complete stranger that you don't even know what they look like.

- If you try to manipulate them it won't work at all on Midoriya he'll just pause to hear what you have to say then reply with a quick 'no' before going back to what he was doing. Bakugo you'll be able to get things from him rarely you just have to act sweet and submissive, be on your best behavior and stroke his ego then he'll maybe just maybe get you what you want if he says no do not push him further he'll get pretty furious with you and then find out what you're trying to do.

- If you manage to escape it'd be one of the villains they work with who just felt bad for you so they'd release you and let you run away. This would probably be when they're on a mission. Before you even escape there's a big chance you'd be caught by one of the other villains and brought back but if you get past them you'd be gone for the week until they come back to discover you gone.

- Every villain would be sent out looking for you, tracking your friends and family and looking into anyone you've had contact with. Calling the police won't do anything they'll easily kill them as whichever villain brings you back safely they'll get a reward so they're desperate.

- Once one of the villains finds you you'll be knocked out and brought back waking up to the same blindfold over your eyes and your wrists and ankles once again tied to the chairs arms and legs. The villain who let you go would probably be punished by death for letting you go free as they are considered a traitor.

- Punishments for you would probably be mental and physical torture with Midoriya specialising in the mental torture while Bakugo is better with physical torture so expect to be kept up for as long as you can with continuous torture and if they both need a break they'll have their villain comrades torture you.

- If you could ever love these two for the first time in practically years the blindfold would be taken off and he ropes untied. You'll still be kept in tight security but instead of visiting you to make you cry they'll instead come for cuddles and love. They'll be overprotective boyfriends but they'll take great care of you.

- If you were never love them which I wouldn't be suprised you'd be put through hell every single day until you eventually go crazy; If you won't  love them then they'll break you.

- You'd be kept in a cell for the rest of your miserable life slowly growing more and more insane with each passing day which Bakugo and Midoriya would take amusement and pleasure in watching you.

"Oh dear, that looks like a horrible injury I won't treat it though just bandage it up so you don't die,"

"I'm not sorry about what I did you fucking asked for it, idiot!"

[Don't mind my errors they're unintentional]

Word Count: 735

Next Headcanon: Rumi Usagiyama

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