Oneshots: VILLAIN KAMINARI 'Butterflies'

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[Requested by kttymiko I hope you enjoy I'm not too proud of this chapter so I might come and redo this in the future as in my opinion it's pretty dull and not my best work.]

Y/N'S P.O.V -

My wrists hurt from the tight chains that kept me tied to the old mattress. Kaminari has been gone for a few days now and Toga had been the one to feed me, give me water and let me go for bathroom breaks while Dabi supervises to make sure that she doesnt kill me on 'accident' because according to Dabi 'Both Kaminari and Toga are good assets to us so we don't want to lose one of them either from Kaminari killing Toga or him just leaving the l.o.v. all because Toga killed you' that was what he had said so at least I won't bleed to death from Toga but Dabi had insulted me after that though saying how he didn't see what Kaminari found so great about you that he went psycho.

So the only thing I can really do while tied up is think and after thinking for a while I can run out of ideas to think about so I just lay there and whatever came to my head I'd think about it then get bored of it and move on to something else. The room I was kept in wasn't very entertaining either as it was rotten, dirty and dark. The mattress I was laying on was also hard as a brick and I wonder where on earth he got it from did he sleep on this before he kidnapped me if so i kind of feel bad for him.

If I had to be honest I sort of missed Kaminari. He had good jokes... sometimes and he also kept me entertained even with him being the one to kidnap me. I know I should hate him but I just can't find the hatred in me anymore.

I wanted Kaminari to be here. He's the only one that looked slightly normal out of all these psycho's I should be saying I want to go back to U.A but for some reason I don't.. why do I not want to go back to my friends to my family. I feel like I want to stay with Kaminari. I quickly shook that thought out of my head. No Y/n you don't want to stay with someone who kidnapped you! Nor do you ever want to be with a villain! He's sick, twisted and above all else completely insane you don't want to stay with him!

However, my heart seemed to deny those claims and instead decide to feel warm and fuzzy whenever Kaminari came to mind. We had been the best of friends in U.A me and him were practically attached to the hip as we both just instantly clicked and matched each others energy.

I wondered how Kaminari was doing after all he said it would be a pretty boring but long mission and how he'd prefer to stay at the base and hang out with me but he said he should be getting back tonight or tomorrow morning.


I yawned as I snapped the neck of another pathetic hero. They had just debuted and were so incredibly weak I'm a first year and I beat him with ease this guy was no hero if he couldn't even land a hit on me let alone beat me. Even a quirkless person could do better then this guy gosh he was so damn weak I didn't even have to use my quirk I'm telling you I could probably beat him with my eyes closed.

Stain was right a lot of heroes are just money obsessed losers. If I didn't have this boring mission to do I could be at the base chilling with Y/n. I swear if I get back and see a single mark on my Y/n's skin I'll bash Toga's head in.

Luckily for me, this mission will be over soon and I'll be able to see my dearest Y/n again. They're the only thing that matters to me anymore the only thing that is worth living for is my Y/n they bring light and love into my cold, dark world they're amazing!

I could think about Y/n all day but I needed to get on with this mission if I do want to see them. Don't worry my love I'll be home soon to give you all my affection and give my heart to you.

Third P.O.V -

With the motivation of you on Kaminari's mind he'd finish his mission quicker then ever as he's so desperate to see you again. Meanwhile you'd just be lying there as Toga talks to you and shows you pictures of cute people she spotted while out and about you knew those people were now dead as you could see a faint blood splatter on Toga's clothes. You'd just blankly listen as you wait for Kaminari to come back as you didn't want to spend time with this mental girl for any longer.

An hour later, the front door of the base opened and Toga pouted as she know who it was she started to get up waving you a quick goodbye before leaving. Then your rooms door opened and you saw Kaminari poke his head through, smiling lovingly.

He knelt down next to you and gave you a kiss on the nose as he sat next to you.

"I missed you so so much Y/n! Did Toga hurt you if she did I swear I'll kill her." his face went dark as he looked at you expecting to have to go and chase Toga down but after you shook your head his eyes went back to normal and he just hugged you.

"I never want to leave you this long again as my heart can't take it, Y/n!"

[Don't mind my errors they're unintentional. I hope you enjoyed even if I personally don't like how I wrote this have a good rest of the day.]

Word Count: 1038


(H) Headcanons
(O) Oneshots
(S) Scenarios

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