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[Requested by marvelrulez I hope you enjoy and that your day is or has gone well!]

Note: These will all be ships. If I see anyone hating on someone else's ship I will delete that comment as for some people those ships can be comfort to them so I will not tolerate it I am a multishipper and the only ones I do not accept are the ones that are illegal an example being one of the adults x one of the minors in the show.

- How will the yanderes react to Y/n crying in their sleep -

-> The ones that would be unsure what to do would be Shota and Hizashi.

-> This had never happened before so they were quite puzzled. You were crying in your sleep for some reason. Sure you'd cried in front of them before but never in your sleep.

-> They would both cuddle up next to you with you still sleeping and feeling their presence you'd cuddle into them in your sleep and quiet down.

-> They would sigh in relief and Hizashi would stay with you as Aizawa goes on his nightly patrols.


-> As soon as the two see you crying they go into rage thinking someone had hurt you. Shoto and Katsuki are going to wake you up roughly.

-> Once you say it was all a nightmare Katsuki's gonna facepalm with annoyance but would calm himself down for your sake so he doesn't blow up at you in rage as he made you quite upset last time.

-> Shoto would be much softer with you and he would rub his hand up and down your back as that's what his Mother used to do when he had a bad dream and it worked wonders.

-> Katsuki would allow you to sit in his lap while Shoto comforts you. Once they see you are beginning to drift off they'd wait till you fall asleep and move you into a more comfortable spot on the bed.


-> The two will go into panic mode as soon as a single tear runs down your face. Mina and Eijiro wouldn't know what was wrong and would wake you up to ask what was up.

-> Once you tell them it was just a nightmare they'll be sighing in relief at the fact that it wasn't something that happened in real life.

-> You'd be telling Mina what happened in the nightmare and she would comfort you and listen carefully as Eijiro brings in pillows, blankets and they'd both wrap you up like a burrito with the blankets Eijiro brought.

-> They would then cuddle you back to sleep again saying how much they love you and that they hope you have sweet dreams and you would go back to sleep again in their arms.


-> The ones that are ready for straight up murder for you are Dabi and Tomura. They'd already be plotting murder as soon as they see a single tear run down your face in your sleep.

-> Dabi would shake you awake quite roughly and demand you tell him who hurt you but will stop and roll his eyes once you say it was a nightmare. Of course they are glad you weren't hurt but a silly nightmare?

-> Tomura wouldn't really know how to comfort you as he hardly had any affection growing up as a child so he'd awkwardly sit there as Dabi picks you up into his lap and begins rocking you like how someone would rock a baby when it was crying.

-> Dabi would explain why nightmares are stupid and you shouldn't let them effect you but even still the way he'd hold you a bit tighter shows he cares.


-> The two would turn into literal parents once they see you crying in your sleep would be Momo and Tenya. Momo would be the one to wake you up and ask you what's wrong.

-> Once you tell her she'd sigh in relief but also nod in understanding about why you were upset. She'd probably create you a stuffed bear or whatever your favourite animal is and you'd hold the stuffed toy tightly.

-> Iida would be rubbing your back as a sort of comfort method as Momo lets you lay the side of your head oh her chest as you sniffle.

-> They'd soon pacify you and you'd be back to sleep quite quickly as Iida always makes sure you get your beauty sleep so that you aren't cranky in the morning.


-> They'd be up and on it as soon as they hear your cries. Hitoshi and Izuku would take immediate action after all Hitoshi would already be awake from insomnia and would quickly wake up Izuku.

-> Izuku would be by your side instantly shaking you awake to see what happened. Once he learns it was a nightmare he'd climb back into bed and hold your hand as Hitoshi holds the other.

-> Hitoshi would be whispering about how he's protect you and would forever and Izuku would be whispering about how he hopes that you have sweet dreams from now on.

-> You'd all fall asleep, well aside from Hitoshi, holiding hands and surprisingly not letting go throughout the night.


-> One of these two would have a horrible time trying to comfort you as Denki isnt all that great of a comforter. Kyoka, on the other is a bit better at it.

-> Denki isn't the brightest person so he'd try making you laugh but that wouldn't exactly work and Denki would be sulking in the corner because his jokes didn't work.

-> Kyoka would probably sing for you, it'd probably be a lullaby and it'd quickly stop the tears running down your cheeks. Then your eyes would get droopy again and you'd slowly fall into slumber.

-> While Kyoka is tucking you in she'd look over to see that Denki had fallen asleep too. Shaking her head she'd let Kaminari sleep on the ground as she climbs into bed with you.


[Don't mind my errors they're unintentional. I hope you enjoyed!]

Word Count: 1017


(H) Headcanons
(O) Oneshots
(S) Scenarios

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