Oneshots: VILLAIN TODOBAKUDEKU 'Kidnapping'

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[Request by DaFriendlyGhost. Hope you enjoy!]

With kidnapping cases on the rise in Japan its getting more and more dangerous to walk alone and what were you doing? Walking alone as your friend had reached his home so now you were alone.

You didn't live that far away from your friend so you figured you'd be fine as it was only like a few minutes away. How wrong you were though.

Everything was fine for the most part even though the hairs on the back of your neck stood up and you felt nervous for some reason and had thoughts in your mind like something really bad might happen but you tried to ignore it as its just you overthinking like you always do.

While walking past a certain dark alley a sudden deep and sinking feeling implanted itself in your gut screaming at you that something was going to happen and to get out of there and run. It turned out to be right as a hand reached out to grab you by the arm and drag you into the alley roughly.

Y/n's P.O.V -

I kicked and struggled as I was dragged further into the alley so I screamed to try and catch anyone's attention that was nearby but the kidnapper slammed his hand over my mouth to muffle my screams while he yelled at someone else to hurry up and 'get the syringe'.

I knew what the syringe would be for so I  kicked and struggled even more until somehow I managed to slip out of his grip for a single moment and I seized this oppurtunity and ran for my life.

The one who previously had hold of me yelled out to someone who must be an accomplice that he called 'Deku'. Deku? Isn't that the name of that really dangerous villain who had the highest bounty over his head that the world had ever seen. If it was him I did not want to stick around.

Then I heard fast footsteps behind me which caused me to run even faster but I could hear him getting closer and closer with every second.

I ducked into another alley and hid in the remains of a few broken crates. Soon the person called Deku stepped into the alley I was hiding in and looked around he knew I was here that's for sure.

Third P.O.V -

The footsteps would step closer then get quieter as he looked behind things and your surprised he hadn't looked behind the crates yet.

Just as that thought passed through your head the footsteps got closer. Until it was right in front of the crates and a hand landed on one of the and moved it out the way before he did it to the other one. Leaving you hiding behind a single crate as you tried not to make a sound.

Soon the last crate was shoved aside and looking up slowly you saw the gleam of glassy green eyes and a sinister but almost lovesick smile before his foot lifted up and came crashing down on you making your vision turn black.

You woke up like 10 seconds later to him dragging you back with him holding you bridal style. You were still to weak and in pain from being stomped on to try and escape so the weak struggle you did only caused him to glance down at you and keep walking.

You took in more of his appearance since you couldn't really do anything else. He had curly green hair the green gleaming eyes that screamed he was not to be trusted and had seen a lot of things he shouldn't of. He had freckles, 4 each side, in a perfect symmetrical diamond shape.

He was wearing a suit and was smiling like a highschool girl after seeing their crush. His eyes looked full of love and happiness despite how they also look dull and this made you scared of the man your gut also said he was bad news too.

He looked down at you, smiled like a love struck idiot and decided to speak. "You're finally ours I can't believe it I've dreamt of this day for so long. All that hard work to learn your routine and make a final guess when you'll be doing what you were doing tonight, walking alone."

You were very confused that's for sure. This man was saying how they watched your routine and dreamt of kidnapping you what on earth?

Then you realised your phone you could call the police and went to draw it out only to see the remains of it completely broken and smashed to hell.

Deku smiled down at you "Sorry about that when I knocked you out I stomped on your phone. You know so you couldn't contact anyone," your eyes widened more.

Then a creepy smile grew on his face "Hey Y/n, you know f/n your friend well at this moment he and his family will currently be getting murdered by a few of my men you know as the villains  Chargebolt and Red Riot." he smiled innocently like there was nothing wrong with what he just said.

You began struggling even more know. You needed to save your best friend he has been your friend since you two were kids knowing he was dying and could try stop it was the only thing on your mind at the moment.

You kept struggling until you reached the alleyway where you were previously and your eyes widened as you looked into it to see two other men.

One with half black and blue hair (to clarify Shoto dyed his hair) with a scarred scald on his left eye while the other had spiky blonde hair, red eyes and many scars on his face. They were both wearing suits and looked intimidating as hell.

The one with the scar picked up the syringe and walked towards you as you began struggling even more but it didn't do much against Deku's tight grip and soon it was injected into your neck and you fell asleep in a few seconds a tear streaming down your face as you fell into slumber.

When you awoke your hand were tied and your legs tied to legs and arms of what seemed like a chair. You struggled more and you looked up to see a familiar man with those gleaming, emerald and lustful eyes that make you unusually scared were staring at you like he was staring through your soul..

"Welcome home Y/n now whose body of anyone that's ever spoken to you would you like to see first?"

[Don't mind my errors they're unintentional. I hope you enjoyed this chapter.]

Word Count - 1143

Next - (O) Villain Bakugo 'Time To Die'


(H) Neito Monoma

(H) - Headcanon
(O) - Oneshot
(S) - Scenario

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