Chapter 3- Nonstop Business

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The Next Day at my club.

Lou walked back into my club holding papers in her hand just as she said she would. I was in the middle of cleaning off some tables and met her by the bar.

"Here you go" she said as she handed me the papers. "I really hope you decide to work with me. I think you'll enjoy it"

She was hinting at something more. I just knew it. I didn't say anything about it though.

"Thank you, I will make sure to get back with you once I have figured out what I want to do" I was nervous again. She made me nervous. Just being with her made my heart beat faster and my hands warm.

"I'm going out later tonight to dinner with my friends if you would like to come. It's nothing too serious and Tammy will be there. Would you like to come?" This was bold for her, and I thought nothing could stop her confidence.

"Umm yeah, sure" I didn't want to sound too excited that she wanted to spend more time with me.

She walked out and I watched her leave. I wanted her to stay just a second longer, but I knew I would see her later, so I was okay watching her get back onto her bike and leave.

I took the papers up to my office and skimmed over them. She wanted to join businesses and open up a bigger club with more to offer than I could do myself even if I wanted to. I liked it. I liked it a lot. It meant that I would spend a lot of time with Lou and our business would flourish together. It was a win win. I couldn't find a reason to not sign the papers. I signed it right then. There was nothing I wanted more and I knew my decision wouldn't change anytime soon. I wasn't going to bring the papers back tonight though, I didn't want to look too excited.

I got up and left the papers on my desk and got ready for tonight. I got a shower and put on something nice that I knew she would like (use your imagination lol). Once I was finished getting ready I headed back to the bar to see how business was going and check up on my workers.

I got there to find Lou at the bar dressed in a blue suit with many necklaces and rings as usual. She looked so hot I couldn't help that I was so speechless when I walked up to her.

"Hey there, I decided that I would pick you up since I never gave you an address to go to" I didn't even realize that she forgot to tell me where to go for the dinner. I was just happy that she wanted me to go at all.

I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. I was so happy at that moment that I didn't even say anything back to her and she didn't mind.

"You look very nice, are you ready to go?"

"Thank you, and yes I'm ready" I was still smiling, I don't think I would ever stop the whole night.

"I brought my car with me instead of my motorcycle, I thought you might like to ride in a car and I didn't want to mess up your hair with a helmet" She was being so considerate. I thought it might be out of character for her, but I didn't know her well enough to decipher.

We left the club and got in her car. It smelled nice. It smelled like her. I loved it. I didn't talk much throughout the ride because I was honestly too nervous to say anything. I also didn't know what to talk about. She drove with one hand on the wheel and the other resting by the window. She put on the radio, pop, probably the music she thought I liked.

"So have you gotten the chance to look over the papers I gave you" She asked out of nowhere. It caught me off guard. I haven't thought about the papers since I left the office earlier.

"Yeah, it sounds nice, I think I'll have my workers look at it too so I can have their input on it" I didn't really care if they liked the idea since I already signed them. I also knew that they would like it because it only benefited them.

"That's thoughtful of you" She looked forward while she drived only taking slight glimpse at me.

"Well thank you" I was blushing again. Shit.

We drove some more in silence and I looked out the window to see the streets of New York float past me. I was so content with this, with only this. I didn't need to be anywhere nor did I want to be. I didn't even need to go to dinner. If only we could drive and drive until we saw stars in our eyes.

I looked down to see so many messages on my phone. I forgot to check my phone at all. Lou had occupied my mind and nothing else. I saw texts from Tammy asking when I would arrive. I also saw messages from my old friend Daphne which I hadn't talked to in forever. Ever since she got famous, our friendship dwindled away. She had asked if I was going to dinner. When did she become friends with Lou? How did that happen? They were not at all similar or share a common interest. I thought I might ask Lou about this, but I refrained myself.

I put my phone down and looked at Lou. She was so beautiful when she drove. The air conditioner was blowing back her hair so I saw the side of her neck every now and then. She had noticed that I was looking at her. Embarrassed, I looked at the road in front of us. She smirked and turned her head back to the road.

Not soon after, we were parking in front of a big building that I had never seen before. I didn"t come to this side of town much which is probably why. Both of use started to get out and I marvelled at the beauty of the building I was standing in front of.

"Are you nervous?" She knew my answer already.

"Ya a little bit"

"Don't be, my friends aren't scary" She held out her hand. I took it almost immediately and she led me inside. Her hand was warm and her rings were warm with her body heat. My hand fit in hers as if it were made for her. I didn't want to let go anytime soon, or ever for that matter.

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