Chapter 31- The Day

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I opened the letter impatiently, ripping and tearing the envelope apart. I shredded the outside paper like children do excitedly on Christmas morning. With bits of paper falling to the floor without care or annoyance to pick them up before figuring out what was inside the paper first.

I read the invitation to the club opening. It was soon. Lou had done everything and I had done nothing. I was disappointed in myself for not helping out. The club was called O2. I wasn't sure why she decided to name it that, but it did sound cool.

I continued to find the other paper with it, a handwritten letter addressed to me. I read it from top to bottom carefully to not miss or misread anything in it.

I sat down at the table in the kitchen, the same place we had fought, the day after I left the town house. I read the note over and over again trying to comprehend everything in it. She had written that she had not stopped loving me, even when I had given up on our relationship. I could feel the pain with each word.

When I was finished reading, I laid the paper down and let myself absorb all that was said. Lou wanted to be with me after all that I had done. I wanted to wrap myself around her and lose myself in her blue eyes. I longed to simply hold her hand and feel the rings on her fingers grip onto my hand.

At the end of the note, she asked to meet me before the club officially opened. I wasn't sure if I should go. I wanted to, but I still hadn't figured out if I was willing to be with her again. I knew that if I showed up, I would never leave Lou again. I just didn't want her to get caught in my storm later on in life and it was the main reason I was holding back.

I called up Tammy and told her about the letter. She listened carefully as she normally does. I could see her nodding her head at some points in our conversation although we only talked over the phone. I asked for her advice, what she thought I should do. I told her about my dilemma, my inevitability to screw things up and make a mess of everything.

She thought carefully and then finally spoke after a long stretch of silence. "Y/N, do what you think would be best. Not just for Lou, but yourself as well. It also does no good to predict the future, when nothing is for certain. You may have an estimation of the outcome, but that does not mean that it is true or undeniable. The world has its way of working out. You may already have made up your mind without realizing it." I could imagine the wink she was giving me as she said those last words.

Once I got off the phone, I thought about what Tammy had meant when she said that I might already know. I didn't think it was possible to know because of the turmoil that has been circling in my head.

The club opening ceremony was tomorrow night, meaning I only had a day to figure out what I was going to do. Should I meet her? Should I just go to the ceremony? Should I not go at all?

I wanted to do something that would make myself happy and Lou happy. I didn't want to hold anyone back from something that could be great. Maybe Tammy was right. I already knew what I wanted to do. The only thing was if I would go through with it. I wasn't sure if I would back out on myself and stop my body from doing something my heart felt was best.

I went to bed with the usual flow of thoughts swarming around in my skull. Knocking my head back and forth as I tried to fall asleep. The tossing and turning in my sheets were tangling my body that way my thoughts were entangling my mind and making it spin until I was dizzy.

I finally fell asleep and dreamt of the only thing on my mind. Lou. I dreamt that she was beside me, in my bed with me. She smiled and gripped my sides securely, smiling and kissing me all over my face.

I woke up the next morning with dried tears on my face. My eyes were puffy and red. Today was the day. The day that would change my life possibly.

I brushed my teeth and ate a small breakfast. I wasn't in the mood to eat, but I knew I would be hungry later if I did not have something now. I looked at Lou's letter again, reading it as if I hadn't seen it last night.

I was going to try and make myself busy, but I had nothing that seemed important enough to do. This day was going to be the death of me.

I somehow managed to make it to the afternoon. The club opening started at 4 pm, but Lou had written that she wanted to talk before that. My time was running out. I couldn't hide anymore. I either went to see Lou, or dropped everything. If I didn't go, I would be leaving Lou forever. I would be leaving Debbie forever, and possibly Tammy because she was so close to both women.

I nervously got into my car and started out of my house. What if I just ran away? I could let go of all my problems and start a new life. Would I be happy with that?

I drove fast and a bit carelessly. I was running on strictly adrenaline and my jitters were traveling down my leg making my car jump back and forth each time I pressed the gas and brake pedals. I parked the car and slowly lifted myself out. My strength was almost depleted and I had to stop from falling out of the car.

I stood in front of the door to the new club. I was outside marveling at the amazing job Lou did. She walked out the front and saw me. She paused and stared at me. I didn't move either. Both of us were just looking into each others eyes. Piecing together the meaning of this event.

My heart was beating fast and rapidly as if it might burst from my chest. I clenched my jaw tight and held back the tears of just seeing Lou again. It had been so long, I missed her so much.

~Authors note: This is not the last chapter guys. Don't worry lol The last one with be Chapter 33:)

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