Chapter 32- I Love You's

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Lou was wearing a blazer, per usual, that stuck out against the long business pants she had on. She had one of her classic ties on, paired with the many necklaces she loved to accessorize with. Her eyes were wide with shock like she did not think that I would show up.

I stood still beside my car. I had forgotten just how much I loved her. I loved the way her head would tilt and eyebrows raised when she was uncertain about something, like if I was real, if I was actually standing in front of her or not. I loved her elegance with each movement she would make whether it was considered a sophisticated action or not from the perspective of an outsider. I loved her eyes. The blue that could seep into my soul and speak directly to me. The way her eyes could read my emotions and say so much without having to move her mouth.

We were still looking at each other and no words had been spoken. I managed to form a small smile while continuing to stare at her as I was blinking tears away from flooding down my cheeks.

Her body relaxed and she began to grin back at me. She started to walk towards me, picking up speed as she got closer. I lunged toward her and we locked our arms around each other. I snuggled my head against her shoulder and held on tight to her waist. I felt her squeeze her arms around my sides. She radiated so much warmth, contrasting with the brisk winds of the fall weather in New York.

I inhaled deep and buried myself inside of her embrace, remembering the smell of her perfume, her shampoo, and body wash that imprinted onto her aura. I let myself go and be pulled into the love that I had for Lou. I was done trying to act like we didn't belong together. Nothing felt better than being in her arms. Nothing could compare to this, to her.

Her hand cupped the back of my head, supporting it while her cheek rested along the side of my head and down onto my neck. I could feel my emotions building up inside of me. There was so much I wanted to say to her. I wanted to tell her how sorry I was for causing so much pain. I wanted to say how much I loved her, how I never stopped loving her. I wanted to explain my reasons to her, in hopes that she would understand the pain I had inflicted on both of us.

My breathing became heavier, mentally controlling each inhale and exhale I took to not discomfort Lou. My chest was tense and paused with the mechanical movements I was conscious of making.

Lou pulled away from me with her hands still touching my body. She looked down at me, concerned, and she asked "Are you okay?"

I stared deep into her eyes and said "I've never been better." A single tear dropped down the side of my cheek and I smiled at her. Lou took her thumb and gently whipped the water droplet off of my face. Her hand paused on my cheek, not yet moving down back to my waist where her other hand laid. "I love you Lou" I unquestionably declared as I let out another small smile.

She rubbed her thumb back and forth against the apple of my cheek and grinned. "I love you Y/N". Lou said as she leaned her head towards mine and our lips met slowly. I felt the tenderness of her soft lips on mine, her slow breathes between our parted mouths that were now connected.

The cars and other people that were outside disintegrated away. The sounds and lights blended together as everything was out of focus and not important. It was like the universe had designed for this. For me and Lou to be with each other and feel the extravagance of this moment.

Every turn in my life and in Lou's had led to this, to us. Each mistake I had made in my life paired with the decisions I had thought were right were just a prelude to the main idea. This was my purpose whether I had known the day I met her or not. All of my past failed relationships; with friends, family, lovers, was to place me in the exact right time in life that Lou happened to walk into my club.

This was the universe that happened to have me and Lou both in charge of night clubs, in the same city, at the same time. It had created the divine timing that allowed for Lou and I to go off on a mini vacation to Lou's town house. It was in this life that I first told Lou that I loved her the first night there. Little did I know that I would say it many more times in the future and likely never stop saying it.

I had resented the fact that Debbie existed in the same universe as me, but all was meant to be. Tammy will finally get her well deserved love of her life, and without Tammy, Lou would have not known about me, about my rebellious side.

Our lips were still pressed together when my phone began to ring. I ignored it at first and continued to claim Lou's lips as mine, but it became annoyingly loud. I let out a sign and checked to see who it was.

Tammy was calling me. I picked it up and said "What?" in more of a disgusted way than intended.

"Am I interrupting something?" Tammy was in a mischievous mood. I could tell.

"What do you want, Tammy?" I was running out of patients and Lou was starting to laugh at my irritation.

"Umm. I just wanted to say..." She was drawing out her sentences to waste more time. She was also probably enjoying messing with me. "Go have fun, and I'll see you tonight." She knew I had decided to see Lou. She had known before I had.

I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face and said my goodbyes to wrap things up with Tammy. Lou was watching me, smirking and playing with the necklaces I had on and the hem of the neckline on my shirt.

"Are you ready to see the inside?" She asked, pulling the front of my shirt so I was closer to her and the front door.

"Yes, I am." I was smiling from ear to ear and I had no intention of hiding it. She was about to walk in the building when I stopped for a second and grabbed onto Lou's arm, making her turn back around to face me. "Wait, Why did you name the club this?" I said as I glanced at the light up sign above the doorway that displayed a large "O" and a "2" beside it.

"Ocean's 2 of course" She let out a laugh as she took my hand and led me inside the double doors.

~Authors note: sorry you guys had to wait a while for the next chapter but I thought that the last two chapters needed to be released together. Thank yall so much for reading this much, it really means the world to me. I also added a tracklist for yall at the beginning and I created a spotify playlist for it. The link for it is in the chapter, I also posted it on my profile as a conversation. To add to all of that, I have figured out what my next story will be. Drummm rolllllll. I'm going to make a story with Cate based on songs in my music library when put on shuffle. That means that it won't have a solid story line like this one does, but I thought it might be fun and the situations between Y/N and Cate would be interesting. It's called Melodies from Cate. It's also going to be in second person. The first chapter is already published for y'all too.

****** If you want a certain song to be included at some point in the new story COMMENT HERE OR IN THE CONVERSATION ON MY PROFILE, please!! I want yall to be involved with it and enjoy it:)

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