Chapter 25- Tammy's House

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I passed some time by walking around the block and ditching my car in a parking garage nearby. I walked by the same old stores and outlets that I have passed for years now, but it didn't feel the same as when I used to stroll around before.

I walked slowly and steadily. The city was like a foriegn place even though I have known these sidewalks and roads like the back of my hand. It was added to the things that I had memorized. Like the shape of Lou's body and her voice. It would always stay ingrained into my mind. I would never forget it, but I wondered if it would feel different later on. The same way the city feels so changed and unrecognizable. Was it possible to not love Lou in the future years?

I stopped in front of the window where the jacket that I had wanted so badly still hung up on a mannequin. I never did buy it and I wasn't going to. It was still beautiful and good quality, but I didn't have the motivation to walk in and pay for it. I would save that for another day.

I continued on and checked the time every once in a while. I waited until it was time to meet with Tammy to finally quit pacing along the same sidewalks. My legs were tired and about to give out by the time 4:30 rolled around. I grabbed a cab and made my way to Tammy's place in the city.

I wanted to doze off as I rode, but I knew the only thing I would dream about would be Lou. It was almost like she put a curse on me, to the point where I couldn't think of anything but her. I loved it when I was with her, living with her, but now I wished anything else would pop up.

I got to Tammy's and she welcomed me with open arms. I hugged her tightly and let my head fall onto her shoulder. I hadn't even said a thing, but tears started streaming down my cheeks. She held the back of my head and stroked my hair. I finally put myself together and looked up at Tammy, she gently smiled at me and led inside her house.

I sat down on her couch as she brought me a warm cup of coffee with cream and sugar. I unloaded everything on her. I spoke about the trip which was amazing and the job that I had done with Lou. I talked about the day Debbie was with Lou, and what I had said to Lou even the day after when she was at my house.

Tammy listened carefully and didn't ask any questions. She looked upset at some points in my story and sad in others. I went on and on for what seemed like hours, telling Tammy about how I felt at each moment and the thoughts that were going on in my head. When I was done, I let out a big sigh and looked at Tammy for advice or for her to say really anything.

"Wow." She was trying to analyze what I had said and rummaging through her mind to find a useful phrase to help me like she would the same for her children. "Well, Debbie isn't normally like this. Of all the years I've known her, I don't think she has acted out like this before."

Tammy was defending Debbie which I did not get at all. Of all the people involved, she was choosing to defend Debbie. I was shocked and a little hurt for her to assume that I was blowing the situation out of proportion. "So I should just forget it?" I didn't mean to come off so harsh, but my words sounded cruel.

"No, not at all. That's not what I mean Y/N." She bit the inside of her cheek, still trying to make sense of all of it. "I just never thought that Debbie would have done something like that. I mean I knew she liked Lou, but... never this." Tammy looked down like she was hurt from this, but she was even part of it which confused me.

"Do you think I should stay away from Lou?" I wanted to change the subject off of Debbie and this was something that was eating away at my mind.

"I think that you should be the one to decide this. I'm not the one that is supposed to make this decision for you, but I just want to say that I've never seen you happier than when you were with her." She grinned a bit and let out a small laugh. "I also think that you shouldn't be so upset at Debbie because this isn't like her."

"Why do you keep sticking up for Debbie? What are you? In love with her?" I was angry and my sarcasm was meaner than I anticipated.

"I want to be honest with you." She looked down again like she would disappoint me. "I have been in love with Debbie for a while now and I know that she loves Lou which is why I left and got married. I even have children now, but deep down I think I'll always love her."

"Oh my gosh Tammy. Why didn't you tell me sooner?" I felt bad for being so mean now. "I'm sorry for being rude. I'll always be supportive of you, no matter what happens."

"Thank you Y/N" She embraced me and let out a sign of relief. "I don't know what I'm going to do, but I might be getting a divorce anyways because I think my husband is already cheating on me."

"I'm sorry Tammy. Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. I never loved him fully anyways."

"Are you going to tell Debbie?" I was concerned for Tammy's marriage although she was not and also I wasn't sure if Debbie liked Tammy back.

"Should I?"

"What do you have to lose?" I mean she already doesn't love her husband.

"You might be right, but you have your own things to figure out right now." She gave me a classic friendly smile and her kind eyes calmed me. "Don't let Debbie be the reason you can't be happy Y/N."

When we finished our conversation, she walked me out and called me a cab. I still wasn't sure what I was going to do, but I could think about it later or just keep pushing it back until it wasn't a problem anymore. If I did that though, I wouldn't be happy with the outcome.

I got to my front door and went to unlock it, but a box was placed on my door mat with nothing written on it. I picked up the box and headed inside. I placed it on the table and looked at it. There was no postage on it, meaning it was hand delivered. I was just at Tammy's so it couldn't be from her.

I opened it up carefully and inside was the jacket, neatly folded, that I had looked at earlier.

~Authors note: sorry for taking so long to publish this but I have bunch of broken chapters atm which aren't complete yet but I am still writing and I don't want to leave y'all hanging for too long:)

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