Chapter 5- Dinner pt 2

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Everyone gathered to the dining area to eat and as I was walking, Lou came up behind me and whispered into my ear in a low tone "You can sit by me" as she continued walking past me. Her voice was refreshing and seductive every time she spoke to me. I watched her sit down at one end and I went over to join her. I liked that she wanted to be near me. I wanted to be near her. I wanted nothing more than to be near her.

The table we were at was round. It was very big and held enough chairs so we weren't crowded next to each other. I sat down next to Lou and Tammy sat on the other side of me. I noticed that Debbie sat on the other side of Lou as well. I didn't hate Debbie. I didn't know her well enough to hate her. I just didn't like the thought of her being closer to Lou than I might ever be. I also didn't want to have to fight for Lou even though Lou would be worth it. It made me uneasy knowing that Lou was so close with Debbie. I still wasn't sure if there was more than a friendship between them. I should ask Tammy about it. Tammy for sure would know what was going on. I made sure to keep a mental note to ask Tammy later. I didn't want Lou around when I asked.

Everyone passed the food around, family style. It was sweet. Lou helped me get my food. She knew I was still nervous. She could sense it. We all passed around some wine but Lou didn't have any. Probably because she would be driving me home. I had a glass, a small one. I didn't want to be drunk. I wanted to remember everything, soak up everything that I could. I wanted to be as present as possible. Tonight was not something I wanted to forget.

The women were talking and laughing around the table. They mentioned their project every once in a while. Something about necklaces. I wasn't sure. I couldn't keep my attention on the conversation when Lou was so close to me. At one point during the dinner, she placed her hand slightly on my thigh. I jumped because I was not expecting it and she quickly pulled her hand back. I felt bad. I don't want her to think that her actions were rude. I quickly picked up my hand and placed hers back on top of my leg.

She leaned over towards me and whispered "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to startle you"

I looked her in the eyes, oh those beautiful blue eyes. "I- I just" I was at a loss for words and she knew it because she grinned at me. "I think that you could do no wrong" I sound so desperate for touch. Fuck. I was still staring into her eyes.

Her grin got bigger. "We both know that I have done things that are wrong" I laughed under my breath. We both know she meant wrong as in stealing, but my mind went to other places which I quickly kept under control.

Lou went back to eating and being in the conversation with her hand still resting on my leg. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Debbie give me a dark look. It left me uneasy. Debbie didn't like me and it was clear. Have I done something to make her be so cold towards me? Was she jealous? She didn't look like the jealous type and I was nothing to be jealous of.

Tammy also noticed Lou's hand. Tammy smiled and winked at me which of course made me smile back at her. Then quickly she was back into listening as the others spoke.

After a while, I finally got the confidence to place my hand on top of hers on my leg. I began to play with the rings she had on. Lou looked at me, smiled, and went on talking. Lou had many rings on. I loved them all. The silver ones and the ones that had bright colors on them. I touched each and everyone to make sure I had mapped out her hand and could see it in my memory. I felt all the designs each one had and the space between her fingers. I then slipped my hand under hers and made sure to lace my fingers with hers. I loved how her hands felt. Especially when it was touching mine. I could see her grin as she was talking. I got a warm feeling and I was all of a sudden blushing.

Dinner was over and everyone was still sitting around talking. Lou leaned over to me and in her signature low voice she asked "Will you follow me?"


And we were up from the table headed somewhere else in the building, our hands still interlaced. Lou took me upstairs to a room. Was it her room? As she opened the door, I saw a bed and some drawers. There were minimal decorations but it still felt cozy. I followed her in and she shut the door behind us.

I wandered around the room, gliding my hands over the top of one of the drawers. I looked back at her. She was still over by the door. "Did you want to talk about something?" I asked. I was genuinely curious.

She walked over towards me. I began to get hot again. I didn't know where this was going. She was so close to me that I started leaning back over the dresser. Her face was inches away from mine. I couldn't help but look at her lips and then her eyes, and back at her lips. Her hand reached up to my face and slowly moved a piece of hair behind my ear.

I was staring at her face. I looked at her eyes, nose, lips, cheeks. Her cheekbones were so defined, complimenting her eyes perfectly. There were wrinkles near her eyes and lips which I could tell were smile lines. She was older than me by at least 15 years. I was only 25. What if she still saw me as a child? I was old enough to run a club, but I have many years ahead of me to mature and grow. And she was mature and intelligent. She understood life in ways I could not yet.

She was about to say something, then hesitated. She was holding back. Why? What was bothering her? Then after some time had passed she asked "Can I kiss you?"

I smiled. Of course she could. There was no reason to stop me from saying yes. I didn't want to seem too eager, so I looked back into her entrancing eyes. "Yes" I said about 20 seconds later.

She leaned into me and I felt her soft lips connect with mine. She moved her hands so that they were around my waist. I placed one on her shoulder and the other on her neck. I didn't plan on letting her go anytime soon. She moved my hips closer to hers. I felt her belt on my stomach and shots of lightning went through my body.

All of a sudden, I heard the door open. I broke contact with Lou to look and see Debbie at the door.

"Really, in my room?" This was Debbie's room. Oh Shit.

"I didn't think you would mind" Lou said. Lou was bold.

Debbie rolled her eyes and Lou took my hand and led me out the door. I followed her down the stairs and back to where the rest of the group was sitting. Lou looked at all of them and said "Me and Y/N are going to head out, it's getting pretty late" We were leaving. Was she going to take me home? I didn't want the night to end.

I made my way around the room to say my goodbyes. Lou took me outside and opened the car door for me. I got in and we were off.

~ Authors note: I'm so glad y'all r enjoying the story. Don't forget to vote to help me out and I'm working on new chapters right now so it shouldn't be super long before they're up -J❤️

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