Chapter 16- New Plans

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I had forgotten how much I craved the attention from Lou. Everything she does electrifies my mind and body. Her presence is addicting like a drug I never want off of. Though I had never been addicted to any drug, let alone tried any, I imagined this is what it felt like. To the exact want and need of it just being around and at my hand.

After our rendezvous at the club, Lou had taken me back to her house. I was physically worn out from dancing and more, plus the alcohol in my body was dragging me down with it the same way it had slipped down the back of my throat with each sip I had taken. Lou could see that I was tired and did not try to keep me up. She brought me to her bedroom and tucked me in like a child. It was fitting since I had just acted like one by kissing someone else at the club.

It was also the undying love that a mother has for their child that despite the mistakes made, the love is still the same. The way a family should operate. The way I had wished my family operated. Lou didn't know much about my family, and I didn't know much about hers. I never asked and it never came up in conversations. It might be for a good reason, at least for me it is.

Some parts of her and her life were a mystery to me. I was okay with that too, if she wished to tell me, she would. That would be it. After I got in bed, she didn't follow. I wasn't sure where she had gone after leaving the room, but I was too gone to ask or to stay awake to wait for her. I fell asleep instantaneously when my head hit the pillow and my mind wandered off into the dark night, glimmering with the stars.

Most nights, I lie in bed, unable to stop myself from staying awake even if I am tired. I think about everything, things I wish to not think about and things that I didn't even know still occupied a space in my head. But tonight was different. There was no restlessness. Lou's bed cradled me and kept me safe from myself.

When I woke up, it was almost afternoon. I could see the golden sunlight drip through Lou's blinds, bleeding into the room and onto parts of the bed. I turned to see that she was still asleep next to me. She looked so elegant and peaceful, laying on her side facing me. The anger that I had witnessed yesterday seemed so far away and distant. Her pain had been replaced with calmness and content as she slept.

I watched her chest rise and fall slowly with each breath she took. Her bangs lingered just above her eyes and below her eyebrows. The sunlight danced on her blonde hair and fair skin, glistening in the air and radiating warmth. I could have stayed like this forever. I didn't want anything else in this world than to be right here, right now.

She rolled onto her back and awakened slowly and softly. Her eyes opened and she wiped the sleep away with the back of her hand. Her head turned and the blue eyes that I always lose myself in were looking at me full of kindness and tenderness.

"Are you cold?" Her voice was low and scratchy from sleep.

"No" But I scooted my body closer to hers anyway. A grin filled my face and I entangled my arms with hers, still looking into her eyes.

"We have to get up at some point, you know" She was smiling at me knowing that neither of us wanted to move.

"Just, not yet" As I buried my face into the indent where her neck meets her shoulder. The smell of her filled my nose and throat which made me want to stay in bed even more.

We laid still for a couple of minutes, not speaking. There was no awkward silence, only the chemistry of our relationship which filled the air.

Once we got up, I went to take a shower and Lou started fixing breakfast. Her bathroom was like the rest of her house with little decorations. I took a hot shower, using her shampoo and body wash. I loved smelling like her. When I got out, she had laid out some clothes of hers that I could wear, like the first night when we had stayed together. Even then, I knew that I never wanted Lou to leave my life. I think that is what scared me, knowing the strong feelings I had towards her.

I walked over to Lou in the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on her shoulder. She turned around and smiled at me. It felt like we were living together and I was not opposed to that at all. She leaned towards me, and gave me a soft kiss on my forehead and went back to cooking.

"Can you take off work for the next few days?" Lou asked with a bit of nervousness in her voice. Afraid that I might say no or that I can't leave my club.

"Of course." I would sell my club for Lou to be honest.

"Good. I want to take you somewhere for a few days." There was an excited tone in her as she spoke. She wouldn't tell me where she was going to take me, only that I needed to pack so we could leave as soon as possible. "Do you think you can be ready by tomorrow morning?"

"Ya, I'll make a few calls and pack when I get home" I couldn't be more excited to have Lou with me for as much time as I can get with her.

Later that day, I went to my club and arranged for the next few days to be taken care of and set to go without me present. Luckily, my workers were considerate and followed instructions without any rebute. Then I headed back home to start getting my things together.

I called Tammy and Daphne to fill them in on my life since I didn't have very many friends to share my happiness with. I had also not been talking to anyone much last week and it was nice to have people to talk to like we were still kids. They were both so happy for me which filled my heart with joy. Tammy told me about her talk with Lou and how distraught she seemed. It made me sad that I had done that to her. I was mad at myself too. I promised myself then and there, that I would never do anything like that again.

I gathered my shirts and pants with some jackets since the weather was only going to get colder as the days went on. It was a few weeks until October, but the New York weather was not letting up any. I tucked everything neatly in a suitcase and set it by the door. I grabbed some snacks for the way because I wasn't sure how long we would be in the car. I also took some bottles of wine with me as a gift for Lou.

She picked me up early in the morning, welcoming me into her car with a warm smile. I put my stuff in the trunk and sat down in the passenger seat. I was giddy with excitement and so was Lou. It was different from her cool and calm persona she puts on, but I didn't love it any less.

She still wouldn't tell me where we were going and the anticipation was killing me. I truly had no idea where she might take me. She just laughed off my anxiousness and continued driving. I didn't mind being nervous. It felt like a birthday surprise and Lou enjoyed it just as much.

I snuck glances at her throughout the drive. She put the windows down at times even though it was terribly cold. I didn't mind because I was with her, so I shrugged off the chills and enjoyed the wind blowing in my face and in hers. Her hands rested on the steering wheel as she drove and her eyes shifted towards me a couple of times. Stealing pictures of me to keep in her mind the same way I was. This feeling, this trip, and the person I was beside was something that would stay with me forever, even when my memories would slip away, I knew that this time in my life wouldn't.

~Author's note: Sorry it took a while to update, but my wifi has been spotty while I've been traveling. I'm glad yall are liking it. Don't forget to vote and comment plz:)

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