Chapter 14- Hate Me pt 2

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She walked into my club. After all of my texts and unanswered calls. She decides to come to my club.

There was so much I wanted to say to her. I wanted to ask her all of the questions that have been racking up in my mind. I wanted to almost choke her to death because I was angry at her for leaving me without any explanation. But I also wanted to kiss and embrace her.

I saw her as soon as she stepped foot inside. I had been watching the door constantly each day, almost hoping that she would wander in. And she finally did.

I was taken back by surprise to be honest. I didn't know what to do. We stared at each other for a second, and I needed to talk to her about everything. So I got up and started towards her. She scrambled around and basically ran out of my sight. I wasn't going to give up though, and into the crowd I went.


*A couple days before*

I looked through the papers I had taken off Y/N's desk again. I wasn't going to do anything with them because I had gotten the hint that she had signed these before she decided to leave. But I wasn't going to throw them away, not just yet.

I called up Tammy to talk with her since she had mentioned that she spoke with Y/N quite recently. I wanted to figure out what was going on and Tammy was the closest to Y/N right now. Tammy agreed and we met up at the loft. I hope Debbie wasn't going to be there. I hadn't talked to her since the fight we had and I had no intentions on speaking to her today. I was still upset. Even though Debbie gave me her word that she hasn't said anything more, what she did say must have left an impression.

I walked with Tammy for a while down the crowded sidewalks of New York. Tammy told me that Y/N didn't really say much. I was hoping to get some answers but none were there.

"So she said nothing about me, or her club, or anything?" I sounded desperate, and frankly I was.

"She did say that she had a lot of things going on with work and everything, but she didn't go into detail. She looked distressed though, if that helps any" Tammy gave me a sympathy smile and we continued pacing along, eventually looping around back to the loft.

I followed Tammy inside because I was going to look through some files that Debbie was saving for a new project. I turned to go to the dining room table and Debbie was sitting at one of the seats.

She looked up and saw me. Her eyes were calm at a glance but survived on chaos. The darkness that lies beneath the surface was a mystery. It is part of the reason we are tied together.

I met Debbie at a casino years ago. We were both hustling out the dealers by switching red chips for a few black ones while "grabbing" our drink. Both of us were young and mischievous. It was fun and lighthearted going to a different place each night. Debbie was more ambitious though, she wasn't satisfied with where she was and wanted more, something bigger with more money.

I was talking to another girl at the same time that we were working together. I didn't tell Debbie because there wasn't a reason to. It was my personal life and Debbie was part of my business life. Debbie found out though, and was hurt and disgusted at me. I didn't realize that she had caught feelings for me until it was too late.

She got her revenge on me in the end. Debbie has a way with words that can scare the shit out of anyone who did or didn't know her. I just found a way to not let it bother me. However, the girl I was talking to was not immune to Debbie's fierceness. I mean it's not abnormal to respond to a threat by leaving. A natural fight or flight reaction and a fight with Debbie wouldn't be smart.

Me and Debbie remained friends although things were different now. I pushed it aside at times because we had work to do and things to accomplish, but I am done with Debbie interfering with my relationships.

Debbie also eventually got her karma by getting sent to jail. For 5 years, 8 months, and 12 days. She did deserve it, but I never expected her to actually get caught. It was all because she wanted something more. I had stayed away from her for a bit when this happened. If I would have been there with her then, she might not have gotten in trouble, but she brought that on herself.

Things weren't going to turn upside down again just because of a bit of jealousy. Debbie didn't hold that power over me. I still don't know what was exactly said to Y/N, but I wanted to make sure that it didn't have an effect on anything.


*Present time*

After searching for what seemed like an eternity, I saw her face. She was with someone. Who was she with? I was angry now. Upset and hurt. Y/N looked at me and the shock of what she did next made my insides boil with fury.

~Author's note: the songs for Hate me and Hate me pt 2 really fit with the story so I recommend listening to those songs specifically when reading each chapter.  I'm also so glad that yall find the story interesting. I'm having fun writing it :)

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