Remember How This All Started?

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I took a picture of a sleeping Shaka. I guess Mr. Jeb put him to sleep. He looked so cute when he sleeps. Well except the part where his head weighs 10 pounds.
Jeb: "This story of the prodigal son illustrates..."
I push Shaka's head and he wakes up abruptly.
Y/n: "Listen to me next time."
Shaka: "Maybe..."
And he falls back to sleep on my shoulder.
Jeb: "That when a loved one goes astray...God...can get him home again."
E: "Amen."
Daniel: "Hey, okay, calm down. How was I supposed to know she was your sister?"
I turn and look but wasn't surprised it was Daniel.
Jeb: "EVEN after you changed the locks you wonder how they found the new key."
Daniel sticks a finger up and walks to Mr. McKellan's row. He squeezed in and pushed a random guy out of his seat.
Daniel: "Did the collection plate already go around?"
Moz: "Yeah."
Daniel: "Ooh, Thank God."
Moz: "Shhh."
~Three Hours Later~
The music started playing again. Shaka had got his beauty rest, and everyone else was about done. The choir started clapping an music played again.
Ami: "Whoo! Jesus, help me! HALLELUJAH!"
And she lays across us.
Shaka looks confused and surprised at the same time.
Mazzi: "The Holy Ghost got Ami."
Ami: "Carry me out fast. Otherwise, we'll never make it out of here!"
Shaka and Mazzi pick her up as I follow them out.
-Outside the Church-
Jade just got sent with the suck up Ava. She acts so holy around the adults but the kids know she's trouble. That's not good for Jade but it's not my problem.
Y/n: "So?"
Shaka: "I should have listened to you, now you have a pic of me sleeping."
Y/n: "And I'm keeping it too!"
Shaka: "Hey, you wanna see if you can stay over tonight?"
Y/n: "My mom won't care."
He goes to ask M'Dear and she doesn't care.
Shaka: "You can! If you want to..."
Y/n: "Sure. Also, quick question. Can I catch a ride with you guys? My mom got called in today."
Shaka: "Sure."
~Time Skip~
We were in the room Shaka was staying in. He was playing the switch and I was watching him.
Y/n: "I bet I could beat you!"
Shaka: "No way you can. I'm too good."
Y/n: "Oh really? We'll see."
The door opens.
Moz: "Shaka and Y/n, turn it down or you're gonna wake up the other kids."
Shaka: "But Ami and Mazzi could sleep through anything!"
Y/n: "And according to Jade's secret Insta account, she's at a party."
Cocoa: "What? I'm all over her secret account."
Shaka: "Oh!"
He takes my phone and shows the secret account.
Shaka: "That's just her fake secret account so you don't find out about her real secret account."
I for real thought her parents knew. It's probably Ava's doing. Cocoa grabs my phone and looks at it closely.
Moz: "Ooooh, look at you child."
Cocoa: "Ooooh look at your sister."
She says handing the phone to Shaka.
Shaka: "Hmmm"
Shaka & Y/n: "I blame the parents."
Their mouths drop and Shaka goes back to playing after he hands me my phone. They start to walk out.
Y/n: "Oh and that wasn't planned."
I say laughing as they leave the room.
Shaka: "My sister is about to be embarrassed BIG TIME. I bet they'll break it down and everything!"
I lean on his back.
Y/n: "Oh would I love to see that."
~The Next Day~
-The family reunion-
Jeb was barbecuing, M'Dear was setting up her pies, Ami was on the dance floor, Shaka and I were towering our plates with food, Jade was talking with cousins, Cocoa was playing with babies, and Moz was playing dominoes with Daniel while Mazzi was watching.
Daniel: "Study long, study wrong bruh."
Moz: "Ten. And Domino. I win. Pay up."
Daniel grabs a phone.
Daniel: "Uh-huh. What? Emergency? Well, I'm coming right now then."
Mazzi: "Wait that's my phone!"
Moz: "Better go get it."
Mazzi runs after him.
Maybelle: "So I've been working on my recipe, Amelia. I think I got you beat this time, sissy."
M'Dear: "I wouldn't doubt it. I've been so busy cooking for the soup kitchen, my pies aren't as good as they were last year."
Maybelle: "Mm-hmm. So our sister rivalry continues."
M'Dear: "Oh, Maybelle, you have to win one before you can call it a rivalry."
I sat next to Shaka.
Y/n: "Rock paper scissors to see who gets first bite."
Shaka: "Fine. Rock Paper Scissors shoot!"
Y/n: "Winner."
I slowly get a spoonful of food and slowly move it towards my mouth.
Shaka: "Hurry up I'm hungry here."
I take a bite and immediately Shaka takes one too.
~Time Skip~
We're playing tug of war. We were stuck in the middle when all of a sudden Elvis helps us out.
Y/n: "Elvis came through!"
He helps jade up.
Jade: "Hoi. Thanks! I'm Jade. Who are you?"
Elvis: "I'm a friend of your family, Elvis Maybury. Also known as Frosty the Forman. Better known as chocolate drop, but you can call me your future husband."
Jade: "Ha ha. You're moving a little fast, don't you think."
Elvis: "I don't need to window shop. I know what I want. I'll be seeing you around."
He starts walking off.
Elvis: "I know you're looking."
Daniel: "Alright. Come on, y'all. It's time for the McKellan Slide!"
I love the McKellan slide, even though I'm not one.
Y/n: "Come on Shaka!"
Shaka: "But I don't know how to do it."
Y/n: "Come on! I'll teach you."
He does it really well.
Y/n: "And you said you're not a dancer?"
Shaka: "I said I danced for fun."
Y/n: "Sureeeee."

Love Thy Neighbor ~ Part 1Where stories live. Discover now