Remember Grace Under Fire?

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Mazzi: "You're going up the river, brother."
Shaka: "No. I don't think so. And none of you are gonna say a word."
Jade: "Oh yeah? And why is that?"
Shaka: "Well let's start with you, Houdini. You thought no one saw your magical disappearing act last night. Well, think again."
Ami: "Ooooooh."
Shaka: "Who's oohing who, Ami? You used Mom's designer scarf to make Dontrelle's clothes."
She sighs.
Ami: "You got me."
Y/n: "I know I tell you everything and all, but I'm pretty sure you have nothing in me."
Shaka: "Well I wouldn't have had anything, except I told you about the fire first. You knew who did it when my Dad asked. You lied to him."
Y/n: "Only because you told me. I would have lied for either of them too."
Mazzi: "I'm ashamed of all of you. But, Shaka, you don't have anything on me."
Shaka: "You're the worst of them all, Shady Grady. You always pocket Dad's change when he sends you to the store. No wonder retired athletes go broke so quickly. So, if I go down, you guys are all going down with me."
Mazzi: "You're dead to me."
~Time Skip~
We were all in the boys' room at the table.
Shaka: "Here he comes. Don't forget we're a united front. Or else."
Mr. McKellan walks in.
Moz: "Are you guys afraid to talk to me?"
We all kind of look down.
Moz: "I guess that's my answer."
Jade: "Well you don't always want to hear it."
Moz: "How do you know I don't wanna hear it?"
Mazzi: " 'Cause you say, 'I don't want to hear it.' "
I nod.
Moz: "Sounds like me. But not anymore."
He sits down.
Moz: "Look, it's important that you guys are able to talk to me about everything. If you ever have a problem or question or need advice, I'm here for you. I promise."
Mr. McKellan looks down. We all look at Shaka and he looks guilty.
Shaka: "It was me. I was playing a video game and making a snack at the same time. Then I left a wooden spoon on the stove. I'm sorry Dad."
Moz: "How many times have I told you that you need to stop pl-"
We all look away again.
Moz: "Okay. Thanks for coming clean. I'm just glad that no one was hurt. Now give me your game and take two weeks to regain your focus."
He grabs his switch and hands it to him.
Y/n: "Mr. McKellan....I knew about the fire. I knew Shaka did it. I lied last night to I guess not get him in trouble."
There was silence.
Moz: "Let me have your Switch too."
I give him my Switch then he starts to leave.
Jade: "I snuck out of the house last night!"
Ami: "And Dontrelle crawled around your face when you were sleeping."
Moz: "What?"
He says touching his face.
Moz: "I see. Mazzi?"
Mazzi: "I'm clean."
Shaka: "Ahem."
Mazzi: "Fine. I keep the change whenever I go to the store for you, but I saved up all the money to buy you your birthday gift."
Moz: "You made me a macaroni necklace."
Mazzi: "You're welcome."
Moz: "I appreciate everyone's honesty. You can have your Wi-Fi back."
Jade: "Ooh! Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Moz: "But you're grounded for five days. And, boy, you better have my money."
Mazzi goes to get his money.
Jade: "It's been 12 hours. Ava probably thinks I'm dead or something."
Moz: "She probably thinks you were just busy studying."
Y/n: "That'd be a first."
Jade: "Why would she think that?"
Moz: "Okay. It's official. I've failed my kids."
He leaves the room.
Jade: "Oh my God. She did think I was dead! Oh my God. Drew wants to go to Prettyboy's with me!"
She screams in excitement and I just roll my eyes.
Ami: "Shh. You're gonna wake up Dontrelle."
Mazzi: "Where is he?"
We hear Cocoa scream.
Cocoa: "Ami, come get this rat!"
Ami: "Uh, found him."
She runs out of the room.
~Time Skip~
Shaka and I were laying in his bed and he was on his second game console.
M'Dear: "Shaka!"
He quickly hides the game under his pillow and grabs a Bible. M'Dear opens the door.
M'Dear: "Y/n. Get in the hallway."
I get up and leave. As I do she starts talking again.
M'Dear: "Your father told me you started the fire. I'm glad you're accepting the consequences of your actions."
Shaka: "No gaming is rough, but I messed up, and I have to pay the price."
She pulls out a belt.
M'Dear: "Yes. Yes, you do."
Shaka: "What—what are you doing?"
She closes the door. I hurry and put my ear up to the door. I can hear Shaka run to the window.
Shaka: "Help! Help me!"
I thought I should get out of there before she came out and got me too!

Dedicated to Geneva And Maurice Moore
(At the end of the episode)

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