Remember That Crazy Road Trip?

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Moz: "Just you. That's because I obey traffic laws, and you treat them like 'suggestions'."
Cocoa: "Well, at this rate, by the time we arrive, Ami will be able to drive this thing."
Moz: "You're not cute."
Cocoa: "Yeah, I am."
Moz: "Yeah, you are."
Shaka walks out of the bathroom in a robe.
Shaka: "The water pressure in there is great. I really think we should look into buying this thing."
Cocoa: "And how much cash do you plan to contribute?"
Shaka: "Three months of my allowance."
Moz: "That wouldn't buy a tire."
Shaka: "Which leads to my second point. I need a bigger allowance."
Moz: "You need a bigger robe."
Moz and Cocoa start laughing.
Then they went to the Grand Canyon. Then they got back in the RV.
Ami: "The Grand Canyon's huge!"
Mazzi: "Yeah, that's why they call it the Grand Canyon and not the Okay Canyon."
Shaka: "The best part was watching Dad try to ride that donkey to the bottom."
They all laugh. Cocoa and Moz get in next.
Moz: "Ow, ow! I should sue those people. Giving me a wild bull and calling it a donkey."
Cocoa: "He sure didn't like you."
Moz: "That's 'cause he was racist."
Cocoa sighs over dramatically.
Moz: "You good? You had fun, didn't you?"
Cocoa: "I guess."
Moz: "Did you think the gift shop would have mini-license plates with our kids' names on it?"
Cocoa: "Honey, they didn't even have Jade. How do you have Jada, Jaylen, and Jahid, but no Jade?"
Moz: "I told you that when we named 'em. I said, 'These aren't mini-license plate names.'"
Cocoa: "Well, do you know what'll make me feel better? If you let me drive."
Moz: "Okay, you can drive. As soon as we get to Albuquerque."
Moz goes to sit down.
Moz: "Ow, that hurts!"
He gets up and they switch places.
Moz: "Yep you got it."
Cocoa: "Let's fire this bad boy up."
Jade: "Shotgun!"
She says sitting in the passenger seat.
(I'm skipping to the part in the woods.)
They decided to camp for the night.
Moz: And he looked in my beautiful wife's face and said, 'I assure you, I have 20-20 vision, sir.' It's funny now that I think about it."
Cocoa: "No it wasn't."
Moz: "It sure wasn't."
Clyde: "That's bananas."
Moz: "I know right! The cops sorted everything out when they got there. It's a good thing I got the rental insurance."
Cocoa: "Good thing I told you to get it."
Moz: "Isn't that what I said?"
Angie: "Clyde tries to take credit for everything, too. He almost convinced my family that he gave birth to our twins."
Y/n: "No way."
I say laughing a bit.
Moz: "Yes way. They were weird. Anyways."
Clyde: "Well, how do you explain these stretch marks?"
Angie: "That's a beer baby, baby."
Clyde: "Well, we got to call it a night. The best thing about living in our camper and traveling meeting nice people like you guys."
Moz: "Aww. Well we feel the same way. And, Clyde, Angie, you ever get to Columbus, look us up."
Angie: "Oh, we will."
Clyde looks at Cocoa.
Clyde: "Goodnight sir."
Moz starts laughing.
Moz: "That's the thing the old man-"
He looks at Cocoa and stops laughing as Clyde and Angie leave.
Cocoa: "Hey, Moz, Mazzi, can you grab us some more firewood?"
Moz: "The men are on it. Right, son?"
Mazzi: "Men find wood!"
He says like a caveman.
Moz, Mazzi: "Mm, find wood!"
They say like cavemen. Then they leave.
Cocoa: "Alright, guys, now it's time for my favorite part about camping. S'mores. The way the chocolate and the marshmallow melt together, sticking to the graham crackers. Ooh, it's a little taste of ooey-gooey heaven."
Jade: "Oh. Heh. I ate all the chocolate."
Shaka: "And I finished off all the marshmallows."
Cocoa: "Oh. Well, warm crackers it is."
Ami bites into a graham cracker.
Ami: "My bad."
Meanwhile, Moz and Mazzi were picking up sticks.
Mazzi: "Do you hear that?"
Moz: "Are those drums?"
Mazzi looks to his left. There was Clyde and Angie throwing bear hide on their heads and screaming! They had a goat and two little guys playing drums. Mazzi and Moz stand in shock.
Moz: "Wow. That's creepy. Mazzi, h-"
Mazzi was gone. Moz took off running.
Moz: "Boy, I'm gonna tell your mama!"
Mazzi made it back to camp.
Mazzi: "We gotta go! We gotta go right now!"
Everyone starts screaming and picking stuff up.
Cocoa: "No, no, no. Y'all aren't leaving me again!"
Moz comes in and grabs the chairs. Jade grabs the air mattress and ran.
We all start laughing.
M'Dear: "Clyde and Angie? The way you described them, they seemed so nice."
Ami sighs.
Ami: "M'Dear, people are not always what they seem."
Y/n: "Well what happened next?"
Moz: "Well after that little adventure, we needed to regroup."
Moz: "And please keep our family safe from all the crazies out there. In your name we pray, amen."
All: "Amen."
Cocoa: "That was nice. Goodnight kids."
All: "Goodnight."
They were all in the same bed. They lay down and fall asleep.
Jade: "At that point, the RV permanently smelled like feet."
Ami: "Are we there yet?"
Cocoa: "Not yet sweet pea. But we're close. Should be smooth sailing from now on."
Then the RV hits something.
Mazzi: "That wasn't very smooth."
Cocoa: "What was that?"
Moz: "I think it was a raccoon."
Ami gasps.
Ami: "A raccoon? Like Rocket from Guardians of the Galaxy?"
Moz: "I doubt he has a smart mouth or carries a space gun, but, yeah, like Rocket."
Ami: "We can't just leave him. What if he's hurt? We have to pull over."
She looks at Cocoa.
Moz: "Okay."

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