Remember When I Lost My Sister?

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Shaka, Elvis, and I are just hanging out in his room.
Shaka: "Pork rinds are disgusting. Who wants to eat fried pig skin?"
Y/n: "I do! Well without the hot sauce. Not the spicy kind."
Elvis: "In the country, we eat every part of the pig, from the rootie to the tootie."
Shaka: "I don't mind the rootie, but you could keep the tootie."
Y/n: "Same."
Grayson walks in.
Grayson: "What up fellas? Hey Y/n."
Shaka,Elvis: "What up?"
Y/n: "Hey Grayson."
Grayson: "See y'all saved me some tootie. Ha ha."
I shake my head and look down.
Shaka: "Nice cap."
Grayson: "Thanks."
He looks down.
Grayson: "Are those Fujisakis?"
Shaka: "Yep. Limited edition, hand-painted."
He says putting his foot on the table.
Grayson: "Man, take those off. They should be in a museum somewhere."
Elvis: "How much them shoes cost?"
Shaka: "About 260."
Y/n: " Woah! You say that like their cheap!"
I say laying back on his bed.
Elvis: "Ooh-ee! With that kind of money, I could buy me a patch of land and get me a purty wife..."
I sit up on my elbows.
Y/n: "That's if you could get one."
Elvis: "When I do, I want one with all her teeth."
We all look at him confused.
Grayson: "Yo, let's play Fortnite."
Elvis: "No! Gives me nightmares."
Shaka: "Not me. I wish I could climb into that game. Those zombies would be having nightmares about me."
Y/n: "I would want to be in the game just so I can actually get revived and actually kill zombies."
Grayson: "Okay. You guys talk tough, but let's put y'all up against some real zombies."
Shaka: "We're not scared. Too bad there aren't any around here."
Grayson: "Well, you know what they say about the old church basem-"
Elvis: "Don't say it."
Grayson: "Don't say what?"
Elvis: "You know the word that rhymes with
'mace bent.' "
Shaka: "You mean,"
Shaka,Y/n: "Ba-"
Elvis: "Don't say it! You gon' talk up those haints."
Shaka: "What are haints?"
Elvis: "Ghosties, goblins, and tax collectors. Evil folk."
Y/n: "The church is haunted?"
Grayson: "Just the area where they used to prep bodies for funerals—down in the basement."
Elvis: "Nahh, you said it!"
He stands up, closes his eyes, and sprinkled salt on himself.
Elvis: "Spin to the left. Spin to the right."
Then he does the whip and nae nae.
Elvis: "Eh, get thee behind me, Satan."
He opens his eyes wide.
Elvis: "Is he behind me?"
We all look at him crazy.
Elvis: "Okay, we're good."
He comes to sit back down.
Grayson: "Shaka, I'll bet you my entire hat collection against your Fujisakis that you and Y/n won't go down there and stay alone for ten minutes."
Shaka: "What? You know, your hat game is pretty nice. You know what it would look good with? Our pretty faces."
They shake on it. Then I stand up and shake Grayson's hand.
Grayson: "We'll see how much trash you talk once you're in that spooky church basement."
Elvis: "Oh, again?"
Y/n: "I wanna do it with you!"
He hands out the salt.
Y/n: "I'm good."
He puts it on himself.
Elvis,Y/n: "Spin to the left. Spin to the right."
Then we do the whip and nae nae. Shaka chuckles a little and looks down.
~Time Skip~
We were standing outside the basement door at the church. We caught a ride with M'Dear and Cocoa.
Elvis: "The gateway to the underworld is through that door. I heard tell, they used to prepare bodies for funerals down there. Dead. Bodies."
Grayson: "And the last person to go down there never came back."
Shaka: "Ooh. I'm so scared."
Grayson: "Walk down the hallway, go through the study, down the stairs into the basement."
Y/n: "Cool."
Elvis: "Y'all are pretty cavalier for people who are about to get their soul's snatched."
Grayson: "And remember, you have to stay down there for ten minutes, and try not to scuff up my Fujisakis in the dark."
Shaka: "We got this, and I may even order pizza and stay the night."
We walk towards the door and walk in.
Grayson: "We'll see."
I grab Shaka's hand.
Shaka: "Look. We'll be ok. I'm here and there's nothing to worry about."
Y/n: "Yeah....they're just myths right...."
Shaka: "Exactly."
We come up to a door and Shaka opens it. He looks around and then we walk in. Everything seems normal.
Shaka: "See there's nothing here-"
Y/n: "What is it?"
I turn around and there's a lady on the table. We both run backwards silently. We bump into the door and he tries to open the door. At first it won't open but eventually it does. We run out the room and shut the door. We take off running and screaming.
We come back into the main room. He trips and falls on Elvis. Then I trip on him and fall on top of them.
Elvis: "The demons got me! Get them off!"
Grayson: "Hey, it's just Shaka and Y/n. Chill."
We get up and help Elvis up.
Shaka: "There's a dead lady in there!"
Y/n: "Yeah no kidding!"
Grayson: "In the basement?"
Y/n: "No, in the study!"
Shaka: "We didn't even make it to the basement!"
Elvis: "How do you know she's dead?"
Shaka: "Because she was dead still!"
Y/n: "Like most dead people!"
Grayson: "She could still be alive and needing our help."
Y/n: "You're serious?"
They look at me.
Y/n: "You're right."
Shaka: "Oh, man. I guess we better go back and make sure she's okay."
Elvis: "Eh, what do you mean 'we'?"
Y/n: "Are you scared?"
Elvis: "Think about this. We've gotta do what Jesus would do."
Shaka: "And what's that?"
Elvis: "Run!"
He starts running, but we grab him and pull him towards the door. We start walking toward the study. Shaka opens the door.
Shaka: "See?"
Y/n: "Dead."
Grayson: "We've gotta touch her to make sure she's really dead."
Shaka: "It smells like she's dead."
Elvis: "Sorry. That was me."
We step away from him.
Grayson: "I'm going in."
He walks to her and shakes her leg.
Grayson: "Wakey wakey."
The leg comes off.
Grayson: "AAAAAAAH"
He throws the leg to me. I throw it to Elvis. Elvis throws it to Shaka. Shaka throws it back to Grayson.
The lady sits up.
??: "Boy, give me back my leg."
We start screaming again and Grayson throws it towards her on the ground.
??: "I ought to beat you with it."
We scream again and take off running.

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