Remember When I Lost My Sister?

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-On The Porch-
I was sitting in between Shaka and Grayson and Shaka had his arm over my shoulders with his phone in the other hand.
Shaka: "Told you we could do it. We were down there for 12 minutes."
Elvis: "Grayson, looks like they got you on this one."
Grayson: "Yeah, man, I'm not mad. Y'all won fair and square."
He takes the hat off and hands it to Shaka.
Grayson: "I'll get the rest of them to you later."
Shaka puts the hat on.
Shaka: "Nice doing business with you, my friend."
They fist bump.
Y/n: "Hey. When you get the hats, I want one."
Shaka: "Fair enough."
Grayson: "I hate not getting those Fujisakis on my feet. I really didn't think you guys would stay in that creepy basement."
Y/n: "After seeing half-dead Sister Patty, nothing could scare me anymore."
We both feel something touch our shoulders.
Y/n,Shaka: "AAAH!"
It was just Jade and Drew.
Jade: "Have you seen Ami and Lily?"
Shaka: "Yeah, they came back a while ago. Said you left them at the movies."
Y/n: "Not a good look, Jade."
Elvis: "Yeah Jade. You'll need to do better if you're gonna be the mother of my 'chirren'. What? Feeling froggy? Leap."
Jade pushes past him, and her and Drew go inside.
Y/n: "Dude, you really gotta stop trying so hard."
I say patting his shoulder.
~Time Skip~
Grayson and Elvis went home, so Shaka and I decided to go inside.
M'Dear: "Where's Grayson and Elvis?"
Shaka: "They went home."
M'Dear: "Shoot, I wanted to send this food to Grayson's family."
Y/n: "Why are you giving them food?"
Shaka: "Especially my Pop-Tarts?"
M'Dear: "His father's been sick, and with only his mother working, money's tight."
Y/n: "Well, he didn't say anything."
M'Dear: "Then keep it to yourself. I'm sure he doesn't like talking about it."
Shaka: "We will. Do you want us to take the food to his house?"
M'Dear: "It would be helpful you guys, thank you."
Y/n: "Know what? Let's give him all these Brussels sprouts, too."
Shaka: "Yeah we should."
She looks at us.
Y/n: "Yeah, we'll just be going."
When we get to Grayson's house, Shaka sets down the box of food. He looks over at the shoe rack.
Shaka: "I feel bad..."
Y/n: "Me too."
He goes and takes of his shoes and switches with Grayson's, then we leave. I felt really bad that Shaka switched the shoes.
Y/n: "Uh, Shaka?"
Shaka: "Yeah."
Y/n: "Can I stop at my house to grab something?"
Shaka: "Sure."
Y/n: "I'll meet you back at your house."
Shaka: "You sure?"
Y/n: "Yeah."
I walk up the stairs to the porch and unlock the door. I go to my room and grab what I needed. Then I headed back to the McKellan's house.
I knock on the boys' room.
??: "Come in."
I walk in.
Mazzi: "Hey Y/n."
Y/n: "Hey you guys. Shaka you ok?"
Shaka: "Yeah, I guess...."
Y/n: "Look, I know you're upset right now. I wanted to give you something to cheer you up."
I pull them from behind my back.
Shaka: "Fujisakis?!"
Y/n: "Yeah. I never wore them and we wear the same size. They are a different design, but they're super similar."
Shaka: "Thank you Y/n!"
He says getting up and hugging me.
Mazzi: "Wowwwww! You're gonna leave me empty handed?"
Y/n: "No. Go open the door."
He opens the door. The smaller pair of Fujisakis I can't fit anymore we're on the ground in a box.
Mazzi: "Thanks Y/n!!!!"
He says hugging me too.
Y/n: "Now I have two McKellan's on me. How many more can fit?"
They just laugh at me.

Dedicated to Pequena Greene
(At the end of the episode)

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