Cursed Child Part 2

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                                                      Act 1 Scene 4

HARRY and HERMIONE are sitting together in Hermione's office

Hermione: Well, how did your talk with Albus go?

Harry: Great. I think that it really helped him. I'm glad to know that the Voldemort thing is all behind us and our children can live normal lives. Well, as normal as they can be. 

Hermione: I'm surprised that Delphi didn't try to use Rose or Hugo.

Harry: You know, I am too. The end of her plot seemed a bit... abrupt. She's in Azkaban, under tight security. Same as her mum. 

Hermione: Have you heard from James and Lily?

Harry: Yes, James is stressing about the pink tips of his hair and Lily thinks it's funny. 

HERMIONE laughs and returns to work

Hermione: Hugo wants to practice for quidditch. I think that it's finally rubbed off on him, considering his father's... and his extended family's, for that matter.... love for quidditch.

HARRY adjusts himself in his chair

Harry: I think that Albus and Rose should try to be friends. 

Hermione: They already tried. And then Delphi ruined everything.

They both look out the window 

Harry: I think that they'd like to try again. And, I think that Rose would like Scorpius. 

Hermione: He definitely fancies her. And, I kind of like it. 

HARRY looks at her

Harry: Ron would kill him. 

Hermione: Oh, Ronnie totally would. But, we could hold him back, can't we?

Harry: I'm expecting an owl from Lily soon, she writes every Wednesday. 

An owl comes through the window

There it is. 

HARRY opens the letter and starts reading. HERMIONE goes back to work, sucking on her toffee. 

Harry: (reading aloud) Dear Daddy,

Rose has befriended Scorpius. I think it's really cute and sweet, but James has... a different opinion. I had to stop him from killing Scorpius just yesterday. Albus seems to think that they will never date, but I disagree. Scorpius is totally smitten for Rose and Rose is catching feelings for him. She told me during truth or dare, a muggle sleepover game. She should have chosen dare. :)

Anyways, I'm fine. I have learned a lot in class, and Rose is still making me read and eat kale. She's like my Hogwarts mum, telling me to eat my vegetables and do my homework. Alice is definitely crushing on Albus. I'm excited to get more of the truth out of her, but Rose encourages me not to. I'm still doing it, though, regardless of what she says. 



Hermione: Aw! Lily has always loved telling you everything. 

Harry: I think it's cute. It makes Ron's owls home look like chicken scratch post it notes. 

Hermione: Hugo's are literally a post it note that says: Hi mum. I'm doing good. Bye. -Hugo

Harry: Is Rose like that?

Hermione: Heavens no. She writes good letters, that have a lot of detail...

Ron: And could very well be classified as novels. 

HERMIONE looks at her husband and laughs

Hermione: Nice of you to join us, Ronnie. 

Ron: I miss Rosie and Hu. 

Harry: I miss my kids a lot too. 

Hermione: I wish that I could visit them more. 

Ron: Do you think that they get into trouble much?

Harry: Well, I'd think that they would owl you. Just like you two owled your parents...

HERMIONE and RON burst out laughing

What's so funny?

Hermione: We... we didn't tell our parents about the dangerous stuff until we absolutely had to. 

Ron: I had to tell them in second year...

Hermione: And I had to tell them right after Voldemort returned. 

Harry: Why am I not surprised?

The trio laughs together and eventually, return to what they're doing. 

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now