Wingsiblings part 2

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Delphi has Rose bound and is holding a knife to her throat, it reminds Ron of when Bellatrix tortured Hermione. 

Delphi: I'll just be taking her off your hands now. 

Scorpius: NO! (starts trying to pull Rose out of Delphi's grip) 


Delphi: Or what? The family is going to throw a bunch of pranks at me? I'm so scared. 

Rose tries to fight herself out

Delphi: Did you inherit your mother's dirty blood? Let's find out. 

Hermione: LET GO OF HER NOW. 

Ron, Scorpius, Albus, Hugo, Arthur, and Harry are shaking with fury

Ginny: You are asking for a bat bogey hex, sister. First my son and now my niece? You're going down. 

Delphi is pressing the knife into her throat so hard beads of blood are appearing

Scorpius: (steps on Delphi's foot)

Delphi disapperates to Malfoy manor, long deserted due to the fact that Lucius went to Azkaban and Narcissa and Draco didn't want it

Delphi: Filthy little Mudtraitor. 

Rose screams as loud as she can

At the burrow

Albus: She's gone!

Hermione: Rosie! NOOOOOOO!!!!

Harry: It's all my fault!

Ginny: OH NO! 

Scorpius and Hugo are crying

Lily: (Gets an idea)

James: (whispering) What's your idea?

Lily: (whispering) We need Scorpius, Albus, Fred, Roxanne, Molly, Lucy, Dominique, Lewis, and Hugo. 

James gathers everyone up while the adults are feverishly trying to find a solution

Lily: Okay, so Rose has been kidnapped by Delphi, correct?

Everyone nods

Lily: Rose always keeps her cell phone on her, she still had it when she was kidnapped. And Delphi doesn't know about cell phones. If we can get her location, we can bust her out, hopefully before Christmas. 

Lucy: I dunno, it's really risky...

Fred and James: Let's do it!

Albus: I'm with you

Roxanne: Where do I sign up?

Scorpius: I would never refuse. 

Hugo: Why are we waiting? Let's do it!

Lewis: I'll design armor.

Dominique: I will help with battle tactics

Molly: We'll worry our parents sick!

Lily: Rose cannot be kidnapped and kept in a cellar on Christmas. 

Everyone nods, agreeing

Lily: So we're busting her out!

Everyone: YEAH!

Lily: Let's go arm ourselves while I find out where Rose is!

At Malfoy manor

Rose: Why do you want me? 

Delphi: You will give me your blood to bring my father and mother back. 

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now