Cursed Child Part 2

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                                                      Act 1 Scene 13

ROSE is going through her trunk, trying to figure out a way to make a fake time turner

Rose: Copper wire and my toothbrush timer?! Maybe if I can get away fast enough...

She scans her items again and instantly wishes that she would have told her parents. 

Why didn't I just tell them? They might have listened! Now I'm gonna get tortured to death by some stranger that says that his name is Atticus! 

ROSE starts crying

Maybe I can just owl? But then Atticus will come after me...

She looks outside

I... I won't do it! Nor pretend to!

She slams her trunk shut and shoves it under her bed

I'd rather him torture me to death than me betray my parents! I'm not doing it!

Atticus: Well, that's not very smart, is it?

She flips around, startled. 

Rose: Well.... I'm not. I am not that stupid!

ATTICUS grabs her and stuns her

Atticus: Well, I suppose that Delphi was right. She is hard to get. 

He carries her offstage

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now