The play

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(At a Weasley family gathering...)

Roxanne: Everyone!!!! Listen up!!!!

(Everyone stops what they're doing and looks at Roxanne) 

Roxanne: We are going to do a musical of the book 'Romeo and Juliet'!

Fred: Roxie, you are such a nerd...

Roxanne: Aaand, now we will cast everyone.  Mercutio will be Albus, Tybalt will be James, Rosaline will be Lily, Benvolio will be Hugo, Anthony will be Fred, Lucy will be Potpan, Molly will be the First guard, Lewis will be the second guard, and Dominique will be the first guard, Victorie and Teddy will play the Narrators....

(Victorie and Teddy shrug) 

Roxanne: Our main roles as Romeo and Juliet will be.... Scorpius and Rose!

Ron: (spits out nonexistent drink) WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!?!!

Draco: Yay Scorpius!

Hermione: Yay Rosie! 

Rose: I get to play Juliet with Scorpius as Romeo?

Scorpius: (Doing happy dance in corner) 

Roxanne: Lord and Lady Capulet will be played by Ron and Hermione, Lord and Lady Montague will be played by Draco and Narcissa, Count Paris will be my dad....

George: Wha?! I thought RON would be Count Paris!!!!!

Ron: Pretend to be creepily in love with my daughter? NO THANKS. (Gives Scorpius the evil eye) 

George: SHE'S MY NIECE!!!!!!

Rose: Ew...

Roxanne: Friar Laurence will be Uncle Harry, Friar John will be Uncle Percy...

Harry: So I get to be a plant Trelawney?

Roxanne: Yep! The musicians will be Aunt Ginny and My mum, Prince Escalus will be Uncle Charlie, Juliet's nurse will be grandma, and that covers all the characters, so everyone else is on makeup and stage stuff. Let's move! 

Percy: Who is this play going to be for?

Roxanne: You'll see. 

(Audrey and Fleur get started on Rose and Lily's makeup.)

Rose: I get to play Juliet! I can't believe it! 

Lily: Rosaline! I scored big time! 

(Ms Weasley is herded into the room)

Ms Weasley: I have to be Juliet's nurse already with Dominique, especially on the boy crazy front. 

(Hermione and Ginny are also in the room) 

Hermione: (Whispers to Ginny) I kinda ship Rose and Scorpius.

Ginny: (Whispers back) I totally ship it. 


Scorpius: I get to play Romeo! AND ROSIE IS JULIET!!! Zip-e-de-do-dah! Zip-e-de-day! My oh my what a wonderful day...

Albus: Um... Scorpius?

(Ron is behind Scorpius, but Scorpius doesn't notice)

Scorpius: What is it Albus?

Albus: Move before my uncle kills you.

(Scorpius looks behind himself and smiles nervously at Ron)

Scorpius: Oh, hi, how are you today, Mr. Weasley? 

Ron: I'm fine, how about you? 😡

Scorpius: Uh-oh...

Draco: Oh no... Ron? PLEASE lay off my son. Your daughter is in love with him you know. 

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now