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Gryffindor girl's dorms at 6:00 pm, December 7, 2021

Rose: Lily, I am going to go out to the lake.

Lily: to meet Scorpius?

Rose: No because I need a walk. 

Lily: Oh suuuure. 

Rose: Lily, I know that you're a major shipper of me and Scorpius, but...

Lily: But?

Rose: Never mind. 

Slytherin common room at 6:00 pm, December 7, 2021

Scorpius: I can't believe that she wants to study with me. 

Albus: I can't either.

Scorpius: I will be at the lake. Please don't spy on me. 

Albus: I won't

Five minutes later

Albus is in the bushes watching Scorpius talk to Rose, hoping that he won't screw anything up, because Albus is a major Scorose shipper. 

Also at that same time period

Lily is in a tree watching. She's always been a Scorose shipper, and she wants to see them get together. 

Rose: Scorpius, it's nice seeing you. 

Scorpius: It's nice to see you Rosie. 

Rose: How's life?

Scorpius: (remembering the time turner incident) Busy, weird. The like. 

Rose: You had an overdue charms assignment?

Scorpius: (thinking) Don't screw this up. 

Rose: (thinking) Don't screw this up

In the tree

Lily: (whispering) Kiss already!

Albus: (In bushes below, whispering) SCORP MAKE YOUR MOVE!

Lily falls out of the tree onto Albus

Albus: (Whisper yelling) LILY?!?!

Lily: (Whisper yelling) ALBUS?!?!

Albus: Do you ship Scorose too?

Lily nods and shrugs

Lily: They're so cute together. 

Albus: I just got an idea. 

Lily: What?

Albus: Should we... help them get together?

Lily: Yeah! Let's start by watching their weaknesses in talking to each other.

By the lake

Rose: So, when you're doing charms, you need to do exactly what it says, from the stressing of the syllables to the waving of the wand. Like, Wingarduim Leviosa. You need to stress the O in Leviosa, not the A, a common mistake. And, the swish and flick must follow suit. 

Scorpius: (Looking at her steely blue green eyes and nodding)

Rose: Ready? Wingardium Leviosa

Scorpius goes flying into the air, taking him out of the trance like state he was in



Scorpius: SORRY!

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now