Scorpius the healer

565 14 2

Rose POV

I was sick. Really sick, as in my parents took me to St. Mungo's yesterday sick. They diagnosed me with a muggle disease called Coronavirus, and my parents took me home and put me on bed rest. I had not moved from my bed since after I was diagnosed, and I was going slightly stir crazy. I was reading a book and drinking tea when Scorpius Malfoy, my sort of friend since fourth year, came in the room. Scorpius was studying to be a healer... wait... did that mean...?

"Mum?" I asked. "Sweetie, your dad, Hugo, and I need to go somewhere, and I don't want to leave you here without help. Have a good day!" 

I looked up at Scorpius, who looked really happy. "Hi Rose!!! Your mother actually put a request in the Weasley clan groupchat to see who would want to take care of you. I applied and well... here I am!!!" I nodded slowly and sipped my tea. "So... are you feeling alright?" he asked. I tilted my head from side to side. 

"What book are you reading?" 

"Gone with the wind. It's really good."

"How long is it?"

"1,037 pages." 

"You are a bookworm. That is not a bad thing at all. I am quite the bookworm myself."

"What are you reading now?"

"Sherlock Holmes." 

"That's cool...." (Sneezed)

"Bless you."

"I wonder when 'bless you' became a thing you say after someone sneezes, like, don't you think that's a little weird?"

"Hmm... I've never really thought about that."

"Maybe in the middle ages they were worried about their spirits leaving them forever when they sneezed."

"That does sound like something weird that might be a middle ages thing...."

I nodded. Well, this was not so awkward after all. 

"I'm sorry. That looks like misery." 

"It stinks. I wonder where I picked this up..."

"I'm thinking you picked it up at Hogwarts or something like that."

"That's a very real possibility."

He felt my forehead. "You're burning up. Drink some more tea." I sipped it a bit more. "How is your dad doing?"

He shrugged. "He really misses my mum. It's sad." Tears were shining in his steel grey eyes. I took his hand. "I'd hug you if it wouldn't spread this awful misery to you." 

He started crying and I patted his hand. Seeing him cry was making me cry. No... Rose... don't... cry!!!! But it was too late. We cried onto each other for a little bit. 

Then I went into a coughing fit. "Rose, you sound awful." 

"I know I... (cough) do. My dad said I sounded like I was dying." 

"He wasn't wrong. Drink some more tea and take a cough drop." 

I did and it didn't help much. 

The rest of the day was flirting and talking together. My mum and dad came home around 6:00, and my parents thanked him for staying by me. After he left I realized something. 

I was in love with Malfoy. 

Scorose fluff, little story scribble ideas that I hadWhere stories live. Discover now