Planes & Fairies | Coming Home

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Previously in Planes & Fairies:

Slowly picking it up, he examines the ring and considers the size. It sure looks like a ring I'd wear. Tilting it to read the inscription inside, he sees a name. It's the only clue he has about who he is.

Eda Yildiz.


When Nurse Iryna entered Serkan's room the next morning, he was already sitting up in bed, awkwardly trying to write with his left hand and looking frustrated.

"Good morning, Sir. How did you sleep?" she greets Serkan cheerfully as he offers her a small smile.

"I assume you're right-handed then," Iryna snorts, giving a cheeky nod to the chicken scratch markings in his notebook.

"I think so too. It's that, or I'm a doctor," Serkan quips with a smirk, drawing a deep belly laugh from Iryna.

"Good to see you didn't lose your sense of humour in the accident. Your vitals are good," she nods, replacing the stethoscope around her neck. "Hopefully, as you start eating and drinking more on your own, we can get you off all these IV's," she says, fiddling with the bag of fluid hanging above Serkan's head.

"How are you feeling – are you in much pain?"

"Hmmm, a bit, actually," Serkan assesses. "My head has a constant dull ache, it hurts to breathe, my lower back is excruciating, and my right hand is THROBBING!"

"OK, I'll increase your pain meds to give you some relief. Your physiotherapist is coming by later this morning to start therapy and get your legs moving again. It's been a while since you've used them." Serkan purses his lips and nods.

Iryna could see he was trying to be brave and take everything in his stride. Wanting to lighten the mood, she offers, "Would you like to go outside for a little today? Maybe some sunshine on your face will help make you feel better?"


Serkan walks into a garden and sees the side profile of a woman's face, her skin illuminated by sunshine. She's beautiful. No...she's beyond beauty. She's ethereal.

She's kneeling in a flower bed, a blue bandana holding her dark hair in place, talking to the long stalk of a plant, willing it to grow.

Serkan shakes his head, unsure of what he just saw behind his eyes.

"Are you OK? Where did you go just then?" Nurse Iryna asks Serkan, pulling out her penlight to examine his pupils.

Serkan waves her away. "It's nothing – I'm just starting to get some flashes. Nothing I can really make sense of, though."

"That's great news! Whenever you're ready, I'd love to hear more about what's going on in there," Nurse Iryna says, gesturing towards his head. "We might just get a step closer to finding out who you are!"

It's a strange feeling to have no memories. No childhood. No adulthood. No recognition of parents. Do I even still have parents? As far as he's concerned, he was just born a 33-year-old man and has zero life experience.

Serkan spent the early hours of the morning willing his brain to release the information trapped behind the wall in his head.

"Iryna, how is it that I don't have any memories, but I can do things like talk, and write, and eat?" Serkan asks, trying to sound cavalier about his total memory loss when the reality was much darker.

If I can't remember anything, how will I ever get back home?

"Great question!" she says, pulling up the chair next to Serkan.

"When the brain suffers a traumatic injury like yours, it shuts down any parts unnecessary for survival, focusing its energy on critical functions like breathing. Now, your long-term memory is divided into two types: Semantic and Episodic.

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