Planes & Fairies | Say You Won't Let Go

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Author's Note:

Well, my loves, here it is – the final chapter of Planes & Fairies. (Fear not, there will be an epilogue!).

I'm so sad that it's coming to an end, but excited to share that I'll be creating a new fanfic soon.

Thank you for all your love and support as we all tried to heal from the amnesia plot of the show. I mean, this story has had over 50,000 reads, and that just blows me away!! I hope I've done this justice for you all.  Seeing you guys read and enjoy Planes & Fairies made me so happy.

Also, thank you all for your patience in waiting for this chapter.  Moving house is no joke, especially with kidlets, and in order to do Planes & Fairies justice, I have to have enough emotional energy to properly convey what I need to.  And this past month, my reserves dried right up. So lots of love to everyone who messaged and encouraged me to keep going. I love you all. ❤️

WARNING 🔞🔞: Some mature scenes and profanity are present in this week's chapter. Please read at your own discretion.

Find me on Twitter @dizigirl1 or comment below and let me know what you think of this week's chapter!

Note: limited editing so please forgive any mistakes.


Previously on Planes & Fairies:

There's a finality in the air.  An acceptance from the universe that there is nothing that it or anyone else can throw at these lovers that they won't combat and conquer together.

A collective sigh flows through the trees - telling every living thing that the soul connection of Serkan Bolat and Eda Yildiz is a force greater than anything the world has ever seen.

And it's time for them to be happy.


"Take me to her."

It's barely 8 am, and the striking Semiha Yildirim presents powerfully at the hospital admissions desk flanked by her trusted advisor and bodyguard, Tahir.  She is calm, poised, and ultra-glamorous for a woman standing in a chaotic hospital – and although she barely speaks above a whisper, her command is heard loud and clear.  

With no introduction necessary, the attending nurse stands quickly to attention, nodding at the hospital's largest benefactor, and offers a "Right this way, Ma'am." 

Semiha quietly enters Eda's room and stands regally at the end of the bed.  The older woman drags her eyes over her sleeping granddaughter.  Her hand slowly reaches for the thick string of pearls adorning her neck, stealing a rare moment of comfort as she closely surveys the cuts and bruises on Eda's beautiful face.  Her lips purse, which to a bystander, would simply look like a grandmother's concern for her kin.  But in Semiha, it's an almost imperceptible sign of the deadly rage ripping through her.  Just for a minute, she allows herself to daydream about the punishment she'd have delivered to Selin had Semiha got to her before law enforcement.  Selin's death in the cabin was swift and in stark contrast to the savage images currently dancing behind her eyes.

No one touches her grandbaby.  No one!

Semiha slides her gaze to Serkan sleeping in the chair beside the bed, his head resting on Eda's thigh.  His hand gently secures her left wrist as though he's afraid she'll float away, and her mouth curls into a snarl as she thinks of all the pain this man has brought into Eda's life.  If it weren't for him, Eda wouldn't be in this hospital bed.  She'd have been off living a life of luxury with Prince Seymen.

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