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For my girls @originalhybridlover and @Bluedovewings who were dreaming of this scene on Twitter tonight.

Set in Episode 33 when Serkan gifts Selin 5% of his shares. 

We feel that EdSer's kitchen fight could have been SO much more emosh, if Eda had just laid her cards on the table.

Enjoy...and maybe grab a tissue.

P.S.  Next Chapter of Retrograde is coming soon!  Thank you for all your love this past week.  
Also, threw this together in 30 mins so pls forgive any mistakes/errors.


The memories of their love haunt Eda. She wishes she could forget the man who turns her insides out. But she can't. He's weaved himself into her soul and she can't be free of him.

"Eda, we need to talk," Serkan says, breaking Eda's reverie.

"Then speak, Serkan," she instructs, discreetly wiping a tear from her eye. God, how she wishes she would stop crying over him.

She flicks her eyes to him and he withers under her glare – left breathless. 

How beautiful she is...

With a slight shake of his head, Serkan tries to clear his thoughts and return to the all-important topic – Eda's juvenile reaction to him gifting Selin 5% of his shares.

"What was that all about back there?" He demands.

"What happened back there is, you're a coward."

"A coward? Huh..." Serkan retorts with a condescending smile. "And how do you figure that? Those shares are my right. I can gift them to whomever I like."

"Those shares are a pitiful apology because you feel guilty for last night. At least have the balls to admit it, Serkan."

"Haha, nothing happened last night, Eda. What would I have to feel guilty about,"

"What indeed..." Eda spits, with a disgusted shake of her head. "Just leave me alone, Serkan. Go to your fiancé and play happy families. I'm done with you."

I'm done with you.

The double meaning hits Serkan in the centre of his chest and blows a hole right through his heart. He can feel Eda slipping away. 

Logic clicks in and Serkan straightens his back. He knows this is Eda's superpower – seed confusion into his brain and manipulates him into becoming a weak man.

I won't have it!

"I don't think this has anything to do with changing the business structure, and everything to do with me giving the shares to Selin....the woman who will become my bride – the woman of my life," Serkan taunts, knowing he's landed a direct hit.

Oh, this man destroys me, Eda mourns internally as Serkan continues.

"But I just noticed something, Eda. Every time we argue, your eyes throw sparks."

"That's because I hate you, Serkan Bolat," Eda seethes.

"No, no...there's something different in your emotions. It looks a lot," Serkan moves, invading Eda's space. The air is thick between them.

"I think it looks a lot like, love, Eda" he repeats, now so close that she can feel his breath against her face.

Eda's eyes flash with the hottest fire before giving way to smouldering embers of sadness. She looks into his eyes, her own filling with tears as she whispers.

"I don't know what you want me to say to that, Serkan."

His gaze searches her face and the now-familiar, but unwelcome ache in his chest reaches fever pitch.

Stunned into silence - he tries to open his mouth to release some witty barb designed to put this witch of a woman back in her place, but no sound will come.

She speaks again, and he can barely hear her – her voice drowned in sorrow as she never breaks his gaze.

"How would you like me to act, Serkan? Hmm?  

Can you even comprehend what this has done to me? Do you even care?

I know you don't remember...remember me...remember US...but that's not what destroys me every time you look at me with your cold stare and disgust...

It's your impatience to erase me from your past.

It's your ability to make me question whether you ever loved me.

I used to hold onto know...that you loved me. I was there...I felt how you loved me, how you kissed you made love to me so perfectly and so deeply that it was the stuff of fairy tales.

It's one thing to watch you lose YOUR memories's beyond destroying to have you try and obliterate MINE...just so you don't have to face the truth."

Eda sniffs, the tears falling freely from her eyes. Her pain so visible and raw. Wiping her nose with the back of her hand, she gulps hard and continues.

"The facts is Serkan: You were in love with me.

And I thought I could love enough for the both of us. That I could hold on for us until you were able to wrap your head around everything.

But it's clear to me now that this was a delusion."

Devastation hangs heavy in the air, and she offers a sad, disappointed chuckle.

"You know, when you went missing, I was crushed. But I felt in my soul that you were going to come home...when no one else believed me, I knew you would come back to me.

But I can see now that you didn't.  My Serkan is dead.

And it's time for me to take my broken heart and grieve the man I love above all things.

I love you, Serkan Bolat. I will always love you. You are the great love of my life, and as much as you wish you could change that, you can't. You can't take that from me."

Eda reaches out and cups Serkan's face with one hand, before placing the softest kiss on his slightly parted lips.

"Goodbye my love. I'll be out of here by morning."


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