Coffee with a side of hopes and dreams

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Sorry to freak everyone out - this isn't a Planes & Fairies update.

This one-shot is for Hadia.  
I don't normally take requests, but she is special to me and deserves this.  I hope I've done this scene justice for you, Kiz. ❤️😘


P.S.  I promise I'm not obsessed with amnesia.  Promise.  (I'm just an angst whore and there is SO much fodder in the 30's)

Find me on twitter:  dizigirl1 and let me know in the comments what you think of the scene.  😘


Her heart stops. She can't take her eyes from the table in front of her, as her slender fingers press the door shut.

Serkan. In their coffee shop.

Her breath leaves her in quiet puffs. Wait? Did he remember!?

Eda glances at the maitre d' with a hopeful smile and a nod, before proceeding to, her table. She halts – stopping herself from feeling the hope rise in her throat. It's stupid and she's been burned before.

It's not theirs anymore. Nothing's theirs anymore. He'd made sure of that when he forgot about her.

His amnesia isn't what blew her heart to smithereens, though. It's that he's not even trying to remember. It's his abject refusal to even wonder what "they" were like. And it's his ability to wound her with callous, emotionless words that should only be reserved for an enemy.

Why is she the enemy? What was her fault? Opening her heart and giving everything she ever had to this man?

Eda closes her eyes, drawing a deep breath in, bracing herself for what's to come.

"Eda!? What are you doing here?" Serkan scoffs with a surprised smile as she nears the table.

She looks at him so cautiously and whispers, "Serkan...", unable to ask the one question burning her from the inside out. Do you remember? Please, just tell me you remember?

"Why are you here?" she finally manages to get out.

"Do you want to sit down?" he offers. Holding her breath, she lowers herself into the chair. Her chair. Damn it! He's even sitting the way they always did, and she's not sure she can take it.

"To be honest...I don't really know why I'm here. I needed to get some fresh air and came outside...The road led me here."

She closes her eyes. The remainder of her hope dies, realizing that in Serkan's mind, it's his first time here. She tries to freeze her face so her true feelings don't show. He can't be trusted with her heart. He's proven that time and time again. Not even 4 hours earlier, he brutally told her that she was not part of his past or his future.

The waiter places two coffees in front of them, and Eda recalls the instructions she lovingly gave him the first time they sat here. Keşke...

"They have delicious coffee here. They cook it over the fire. Just drink carefully – the coffee can be very hot. Otherwise, it will burn your lips," she instructs, watching him.

"And if it burns?" he inquires innocuously, and Eda feels the tears prick behind her eyes. It's the most painful thing to watch his heart trying to find its way back to her, while his Robot brain holds them all back from happiness.

But she won't tell him. She's resolute. Not until she sees signs of her old Serkan will she share that it was he who reached for her hands that night as she nervously touched her face. She won't regale how he worried if it burned her lips, that he wouldn't be able to kiss her.

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