The Boy

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It had only taken about five minutes for Dipper to lose Mabel. The ship had launched from the dock as they wandered the deck and not long after, Mabel had run off.

Dipper didn't mind. He figured she would wander off on her own anyway. He took this time to explore the ship for himself. He wanted to find a place to write, as well as some place to get a bite to eat. They had a formal looking dinner hall, but he assumed they would have food stands and areas around the ship as well.

So far all he had found was the pools, a small casino area, a couple different bars, and way too many people.

Dipper wasn't surprised. It was the middle of August, of course people would be taking a cruise this time of year.

His nineteenth birthday would happen on the ship, his and Mabel's of course. Mabel had already discussed plans on how they would spend it. She said she wanted to try and meet a bunch of people and arrange a party. She didn't doubt her social skills. Mabel made friends so easily.

Dipper figured he probably wouldn't make any friends. He was never good at socializing. He had one friend other than Mabel and her own friends. Unfortunately, Wendy, his only friend, was busy and couldn't come with them.

Dipper found himself wandering to the back of the ship, hoping it wasn't too overcrowded.

He would have gone to the front of the ship but he could hear the cruise passengers yelling "I'm king of the world!" halfway across the boat.

Geez, is everybody here major titanic fans? Dipper wondered.

Dipper made his way to the back of the boat and found it surprisingly empty.

He sat down on the deck, letting his feet hang off the edge of the boat, leaning on the bottom rail of the railing.

He slipped his earbuds in his ears, glad he downloaded music, and hit shuffle. Please Don't Go by Mike Posner began playing.

He enjoyed the peacefulness of sitting on the deck, watching the water as the boat sailed across the Pacific ocean.

Though he had a major fear of the ocean, he still admired it's beauty. He couldn't wait until the sun set, he had heard the stars looked amazing over the ocean.

He sat alone for about ten minutes before he felt someone approaching behind him.

Dipper got somewhat paranoid and glanced behind him.

Behind him stood a boy, no older than nineteen, with dyed yellowish blonde hair, tanned skin and blue eyes, eyeliner carefully applied around then, making his blue eyes more intense. He wore a yellow pullover with a picture of a crudely drawn UFO on it and black skinny jeans.

Dipper took his earbuds out.

"Mind if I join you?" The boy asked. Dipper shrugged and gestered the open deck next to him. The boy smiled and sat down next to Dipper.

Dipper took out his earbuds, turning his music off.

"There's too many people on this damn ship." The boy grumbled, making Dipper laugh dryly.

"Tell me about it." Dipper said.

The boy smiled and offered his hand.

"I'm Bill, by the way, Bill Cipher." The boy, Bill, said.

Dipper shook his hand.

"Dipper Pines." He said.

"So, I'm guessing you were forced into this cruise too?" Bill asked.

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