The Island

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Dipper awoke to the sun beating down on him.

Dipper sat up quickly, looking around and seeing he was on a sandy beach. Behind him was what looked like a jungle.

He saw Bill passed out next to him.

He shook Bill awake.

Bill sat up, covering his eyes from the sun.

"Fuck, here I was hoping that was all a bad dream." Bill muttered.

"At least we're alive." Dipper pointed out.

"Told you we would be." Bill said. Dipper rolled his eyes.

"What do we do now?" Dipper asked.

"Look for help, explore the area. Maybe it isn't an island?" Bill wondered.

"Doubt it. We were hundreds of miles from the shore. Where do you think we are?" Dipper asked.

"Your guess is as good as mine. I'm not even sure where the cruise ship was sailing." Bill said.

"Do you think our families have noticed we're missing yet?" Dipper asked.

"Yours, definitely. Mine are probably relieved." Bill said.

Dipper removed his life jacket, then removed his hoodie.

Bill fashioned the two life jackets and the rope, as well as Dipper's hoodie into a sort of backpack.

"We shouldn't leave the life jackets, we might need them. At this point we need everything we can get." Bill explained.

"We should look around. Maybe we'll get lucky and this is some rich persons private island or something." Dipper said. The two of them stood up and began walking up the beach.

"Where about do you think we are?" Dipper asked.

"I already told you I didn't know." Bill said.

"A guess?" Dipper said.

"I don't know. We could be in the Bermuda triangle for all I know." Bill said.

"I think you just have a weird obsession with triangles." Dipper said, noticing the triangle patterns on his shirt and socks.

"Yeah maybe." Bill said.

They walked along the beach, but found no sign of people.

"Should we go into the jungle?" Dipper asked.

"Normally I'd say it's a bad idea, we have no idea where we are or what kind of animals are in there that could potentially hurt us, but neither of us have food or clean water." Bill said.

"We could make a shelter at the edge of the forest." Dipper offered.

"Yeah, probably a good idea. Hopefully we can find a pond or a lake or something." Bill said.

"What about food? I'm not really sure what kind of plants these are, how do we know what's edible?" Dipper asked.

Bill smirked.

"You forget you have a biology major with you." Bill said.

"I thought you wanted to major in chemistry." Dipper pointed out. Bill smiled.

"Oh hey, you do listen!" Bill teased.

"Not a hard thing to do when you talk so much." Dipper retorted jokingly. Bill smiled.

"Anyway, I wanted to major in biology originally but I switched to chemistry instead." Bill said, "That isn't important though. My point is, I know plants pretty well, I'm sure I can find us something to eat."

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