The Pain

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The stitching process was painful for both Dipper and Bill, mostly Bill, but just the pained sounds coming from Bill hurt Dipper in a different way. It didn't help that the thread he had to use to stitch Bill up, rather than proper suture wire, kept snapping, forcing Dipper to go back over places he had already attempted to stitch.

Needless to say, both boys were thankful when the process was over.

Dipper gently wrapped up Bill's leg with proper bandages, rather than his t shirt.

"There...we're finished." Dipper said thankfully.

Bill laid back, not saying a word. Dipper assumed his throat probably hurt from the screaming.

Dipper offered Bill some coconut water. Bill looked at it with an ounce of hatred in his eyes, probably upset that they were out of normal water.

"Drink it, it will help with your throat." Dipper said softly. Bill took it and began sipping out of it.

"I'm going to cook the rabbit." Dipper said. Bill looked up with mild interest.

"R-Rabbit?" Bill asked, his voice hoarse.

"Yeah, one of your traps caught one." Dipper said. Bill tried for a smile.

"Sounds like a good dinner." Bill said softly. Dipper offered him a smile before turning back to his backpack.

He found his pocket knife and began to skin the rabbit, preparing it to be cooked.

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Once the rabbit was cooked, Dipper offered half of it to Bill, who took it gratefully.

"It's not seasoned because we're stranded on an island, but hopefully it tastes alright." Dipper said. Bill laughed lightly before taking a bite.

"It tastes delicious Pinetree." Bill said meaningfully. He leaned over and pressed a small kiss on Dipper's cheek.

They continued to eat, grateful to have something other than fruits and other plants to eat.

The sun began to set as they ate, by the time they finished, it was fully set.

"We should shoot off another flare, now that it's night." Bill said. Dipper nodded, grabbing the flare gun and once again shooting the bright pink flare into the sky.

"Get some sleep Pinetree, I'll stay awake to listen for any rescue vehicles." Bill said. Dipper wanted to protest, but he knew Bill wasn't tired.

Dipper crawled over next to Bill, covering himself with the emergency blanket as well as using Bill's thigh as a pillow. Bill unconsciously ran his fingers through Dipper's soft, chocolate colored hair.

"Sleep well Pinetree." Bill said, leaning down and pressing a kiss to Dipper's forhead.

"Goodnight Bill." Dipper said sleepily, before drifting off to sleep.

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When Dipper woke up, it was still dark out. As Dipper sat up, he saw that Bill was still awake.

"Good morning Pinetree." Bill said. Dipper offered him a small smile.

"Morning." Dipper said, letting out a loud yawn.

"How are you feeling? How's your leg?" Dipper asked.

"Better. I'm not bleeding out. And I don't have a massive fever anymore. I'm still a bit sick, I can tell that much but it isn't too bad." Bill admitted.

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