The Bad

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Dipper woke up before Bill the next morning. He carefully slid out of Bill's grasp and exited the makeshift tent.

It was a cold morning, so Dipper got the fire started again, quietly so Bill wouldn't wake up.

Once the fire was going again, Dipper got together their makeshift backpack, which meant he had to snag his hoodie back from Bill. Luckily he didn't seem too wrapped up in it.

When Dipper finally got the makeshift backpack together he gave Bill once last glance, to make sure he was still asleep, before walking into the jungle.

Dipper was careful to check areas they hadn't been in yet. He was cold, but he figured once he started walking he would warm up quickly.

He was worried about Bill. It was too big to just keep wrapped up, they needed to stitch it up, but Dipper had nothing to stitch with. Not even a normal needle and thread, though it isn't like that would be common on an island. Dipper had an emergency clothing repair kit in his backpack, Mabel always made him carry it, as well as a first aid kit, though his first aid kit didn't have a suture kit.

Dipper just wished he had his backpack. It must have been washed away when they got caught in the storm.

He sighed and continued to walk the island, looking desperately for water.

Time skippy

After hours of searching, Dipper only managed to find a couple more coconuts. They weren't water, but it would keep them alive.

Dipper walked back to their camp at about noon. Bill would likely be awake when he got there. They needed to clean out the wound, Dipper doubted that Bill lying around on the ground with the gash only being covered by Dipper's dirty t-shirt would be sanitary.

Once Dipper arrived at the camp, he noticed Bill was still in the tent.

"Bill, are you awake?" Dipper asked as he approached the tent.

When Bill didn't answer Dipper rushed over to the tent.

When he crouched down next to Bill he shook his shoulder lightly.


Bill's eyes opened slowly, his gaze unfocused as he looked at Dipper.

"Oh...h-hey Pinetree..." Bill said weakly.

"Bill? Are you okay?" Dipper asked urgently.

"Y-Yeah...never better..." Bill said, he began coughing hard.

Dipper rushed to his side, placing his hand on Bill's shoulder.

"No, you're not ok." Dipper said. He felt Bill's forhead.

"You're burning up! Your wound must have gotten infected. We need to clean it out and rewrap it." Dipper said. Bill coughed again.

Dipper picked Bill up and slowly carried him to the beach, sitting Bill down partially in the water. Bill hissed in pain as Dipper unwrapped his leg.

"This is going to sting, but I need to wash your leg out in the salt water." Dipper said. Bill nodded weakly.

Dipper lowered Bill's leg into the water and Bill cried out in pain.

Dipper wanted to stop the pain, but he knew he had to get Bill's wound clean, so he kept going, washing out the gash.

Once it was clean, as well as Dipper's shirt, he wrapped Bill's leg back up, using said shirt.

Once Bill's leg was wrapped up, Dipper carried Bill back to their camp, setting him down in the tent, propping him upright gently.

Dipper forced Bill to eat a third of their food rations, hoping a full stomach would make Bill's fever go down.

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