The Void

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Despite his injuries, Dipper was able to go home later that day. He had to be pushed around in a wheelchair, which Mabel pushed for him.

Dipper didn't talk much after they left the hospital. He asked Mabel to take him to his room and help him onto his bed and once she did, he asked her to leave him.

If he was being honest, Dipper felt numb. Everything that had happened, it was all so overwhelming. He wasn't even sure how to process anything.

He sat on the edge of his bed, watching the video of Bill over and over again, as if it would suddenly make Bill appear out of nowhere. Then, he just listened to it, hearing Bill talk made him feel better...or maybe it made him feel worse, he wasn't entirely sure, he just missed the sound of his voice.

"Pinetree...I think...I think I'm in love with you..."

The line repeated over and over in his head. Dipper didn't even realize he was crying until he felt the tears fall off his face.

The asshole didn't even let me say it back. Dipper thought as he cried silently.

Dipper looked through his phone, curious to see if Bill had done anything other than take pictures, record a video, and add his number into Dipper's phone, desperate to find any more pieces of Bill he could cling to.

If Bill had done anything else, Dipper couldn't find anything.

Dipper felt like there was a hole in his chest. Like he was empty and there was nothing that could fill that void again.

He hadn't know Bill long, but Bill had filled that void Dipper hadn't recognized was even there, and now that Bill was gone, he realized chasm was ever present.

Dipper wasn't even sure how he could keep going with the nothingness he felt.

He was by no means suicidal, but he could understand the feeling of wanting to end your life. He felt like he had nothing anymore. (Hey, author here, um...please don't kill yourself, I know life sucks and if anyone understands having a shitty life, it's me, but it will get better, I promise. If you ever need someone to talk to, my DM's are open, I'm serious, if you need a friend, I'm here)

Dipper knew Bill wouldn't have wanted Dipper to end his life. He knew he had to keep going, for Bill. Even if Bill never came back.

Mabel knocked on Dipper's door. Dipper didn't respond but she came in anyway.

"Hey, dinners done. Do you want me to help you to the kitchen?" She asked softly.

Dipper just nodded, numbly, and Mabel walked over, helping her brother into the wheelchair.

Dipper's room was on the ground floor of the Mystery Shack thankfully, so it wasn't a struggle to get up and down the stairs. Him and Mabel used to share the spare room in the attic, but when they got to high-school, the twins decided they needed a little privacy, which lead to Dipper moving into Ford's old room. Ford ended up spending most of his time in his lab in the basement anyway, so he ended up moving down there.

Stan was setting the table when Dipper was wheeled in, he looked up and offered what Dipper was assuming was a smile. It didn't look quite right on Stan's face though. Ford sat at the table looking over what Dipper assumed was the notes on some project he was working on. Soos was there too, helping Stan set the table. He waved to Dipper, who gave a half-hearted wave back.

Mabel pushed Dipper up to the table and locked the breaks to Dipper's wheelchair so he didn't roll away.

She sat down next to him.

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