The Search

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The two boys took turns sleeping until the sun came out. Bill had decided that once there was daylight, the two of them could search the island together to see if they could find fresh water.

Bill had fashioned one of the coconuts into a makeshift hold for water. It wouldn't hold much but he hoped it would carry enough for the time being.

"What if the water is too far for us to keep traveling back and forth?" Dipper asked as they began walking into the jungle.

"We could probably move camp, it's not like it would be too hard to tear down and move. Although I'd prefer to have our camp closer to the beach so they can see us from the helicopters." Bill said. Dipper nodded.

"I haven't gone too far this way yet, but I do have a couple traps in this direction I want to check." Bill said.

Once they arrived at the traps they found nothing inside them, though one of them had been sprung. Bill quickly reset the trap and the two began exploring the island once again.

"How did you learn to make traps like that?" Dipper asked as they walked through the island's jungle.

"I dunno. I'm a big fan of the hunger games series, maybe I picked it up from that?" Bill replied. Dipper laughed lightly, making Bill smile.

"Y'know, you have the cutest laugh, I ever tell you that?" Bill said. Dipper blushed.

"Yeah, a few times now." Dipper said. Bill laughed.

"Well, it's true. And I'll probably say it again and again." Bill commented.

They kept walking, not really finding anything. They did find a banana tree. Bill climbed it and tossed down the bananas for Dipper to put in the makeshift backpack Bill had made out of one of their life jackets and Dipper's hoodie.

"Well, this should keep us stocked up on food for a couple days." Bill said, peeling a banana as they continued walking.

"It won't really matter if we don't find fresh water though." Dipper commented.

"How have we not found any yet, surely there's some on this island. I've seen a bit of wildlife, there's no way it could survive on salt water." Bill said, somewhat irritated.

They kept walking, Bill occasionally stopping to see if he could find some sort of sign of water.

The heat of the sun was thankfully blocked out by the thick foliage on the island, but the humidity on the island was bad enough to make Dipper's hair go all fluffy and more messed up than it had been.

"I think it's kind of cute. All fluffy like a kitten." Bill teased, petting Dipper's hair.

Dipper caught Bill's wrist.

"Never call me that again." Dipper said. Bill laughed and raised his hands defensively.

"Ok ok, I won't." Bill said, "I think I like Pinetree better anyway."

"Just keep walking Cipher." Dipper said, somewhat irritated by Bill's teasing.


They had searched the island for what felt like hours. It was a fairly big island, even though it had seemed so small when they first arrived. The two of them had found plenty of food, though still no fresh water.

Even Bill, who was normally positive, was starting to feel frustrated.

"I mean, how can there not be a single source of fresh water on this freaking island!?" Bill exclaimed after they took a short break to rest and eat.

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