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REQUEST: All those who wanted the second part hehe.
GENRE: Yandere/Vampire

Y/N'S POV It has been three months since I ran away from the vampire palace

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It has been three months since I ran away from the vampire palace. Three damn months since I last saw Mina and I turned into a vampire.

I survived by hiding between shadows and sucking blood from the rats I found in the sewage system. But that wasn't enough, I obviously lost weight and started to look very skinny.

My fear increased since I knew that in my conditions I wouldn't be able to face any vampire. I can't control the new skills I got in my new body so I would fail miserably if I tried to fight anyone.

I keep on wandering around the sewage system when suddenly, my sight gets blurry and I pass out. The moment I wake up, I find myself somewhere else where I have never been.

I look around and find myself in a room with a glass of blood next to the bed I'm laying in. My first instinct is to grab it and swallow every single drop but I hesitate because I don't know where is it from.

Soon, a ver pale girl appears at the entrance of the room and smiles at me.

-Girl: Are you okay? I found you knocked out (smiles)
-Y/N: Who are you?
-Girl: I can't tell you my name, sorry. But I'm trying to help you before my older sister comes back home. Feel free to drink that glass next to you, its from an S class human.
-Y/N: H-Human blood? (stutters)
-Girl: Yes, best quality possible (smiles) You are too skinny, it'll help you.
-Y/N: No, I can't. Just by smelling it I want to vomit.
-Girl: Huh?!
-Y/N: I need to leave, thanks for letting me rest in your place. But I gotta leave now before anyone recognises me (leaves the bed)
-Someone: Dahyunie, we are back!
-Girl: Coming~

I'm about to leave when suddenly another two girls appear in the room. Judging by their dressing, I would say that they are aristocratic vampires.

-Dahyun: I can explain unnie, I found him knocked out. And I thought that a glass of blood wouldn't kill anyone (srughs)
-Girl 2: What's your name?
-Y/N: I can't tell you...
-Girl 2: You look very familiar. Have we met before?
-Y/N: I-I don't think so...
-Girl 2: You are very skinny, drink the blood (smiles)
-Dahyun: He doesn't want to unnie, he's kinda unusual.
-Girl 2: Hmm, my name is Nayeon (smiles and sips the glass) It's delicious, I promise it doesn't contain anything weird.
-Y/N: I don't want it, seriously.

The blood smell reaches my nose and I feel like vomiting. I close my eyes and try to calm myself to make my dizziness disappear. However, the other girl who came with the named Nayeon, starts speaking.

-Girl 3: Isn't he the Princess' slave?
-Dahyun: He's a vampire unnie (laughs)
-Nayeon: Oh, Jeongyeon might be right... (suddenly remembers) You are that one she double paid! The handsome human (chuckles)
-Y/N: I'm not!

I panic. What are they gonna do to me now that they discovered my identity. I can hold on the vampire excuse, but will they believe it?

-Y/N: I'm a vampire, see my fangs?
-Dahyun: See? I told you unnie (smiles)
-Jeongyeon: There's a way to check it (chuckles) All slaves have a number tattooed in their body, if you have it it'll mean that you are a slave.
-Y/N: That's absurd!

They are right, I have it on my back.

-Nayeon: Well, just let us check it. If you result to be a normal vampire we'll just apologise and let you go (smiles)
-Y/N: No, please...

They approach me and practically rip my clothes off. I close my eyes the moment they gasp and find the number in my back. They smirk at each other and then process to tie my hands.

-Y/N: I haven't done anything wrong, let me go please.
-Jeongyeon: You might be a vampire but you are a slave, we should return you to your owner.
-Nayeon: Jihyo will be very happy I guess. Maybe she gives us a reward.
-Jeongyeon: Such us?
-Nayeon: How about a personal slave for Dahyunie? (smiles) She found him after all.
-Dahyun: Uh no, no unnie. I don't want one...
-Jeongyeon: Why not?!
-Dahyun: I would be stealing his freedom (says shyly)
-Nayeon: Humans are born to serve us, don't be like that.

They use their powers to bring me back to the palace I ran away from. I start getting nervous because of all the eyes on me from all the vampires. But they all go back to their business the moment that Jihyo appears.

-Jihyo: Well, well, well... Who do we have here? (smiles and kneels in front of me) Y/N, honey.
-Nayeon: My sister found him knocked out in the sewage system and we decided to return him back to you (smiles) He's a slave, right?
-Jihyo: Not anymore, but he belongs to me (smirks) I'll give you a reward, ask my secretary for whatever you want. I have important stuff to do with my dear Y/N.

Jihyo uses her power to bring me along her towards her room. I have been here multiple times, but this is the first time I'm this scared.

-Jihyo: Three months since you dared to stand against me (takes a seat) How have you been?
-Jihyo: Answer me Y/N, don't make more difficult to me. We've been really good friends, I can't understand why did you need to ruin everything.
-Y/N: You stole me what I care about the most, you turned me into a monster like you.
-Jihyo: (rolls her eyes) You are stupid, why can't you see the golden chance I'm giving you? You'll be free, the only thing you'll need to do is stay with me.
-Y/N: That's the problem, I don't want to be with you. You are a monster.
-Jihyo: (sighs and pushes you to bed) You are the first person to stand against me. You should had been born as an original vampire, your looks aren't real (smiles) You have royal blood now because you drank from mine, can we start over and have a peaceful life together?
-Y/N: No, that would go against my morals. I might be physically a vampire, but inside I'm still a human. Get that inside your head, Jihyo.
-Jihyo: You won't survive or you don't accept who you are now. Call me whenever you are ready to get back to your sense (says seriously)

Jihyo locked me in her room for the next two weeks, but I barely sensed the pass of the days since I spent the time passing out. I started hallucinating, probably because I spent too many time without eating anything.

I was in a horrible state, I was seriously near to die at that rate. So, today when Jihyo comes, I'll have no option but to give up in my needs.

-Jihyo: How's the most handsome guy in this world? (smiles)
-Y/N: Horrible...
-Jihyo: Just accept the fact that you are a vampire, I'll teach you everything needed. Let me take care of you, just give in and be mine.
-Y/N: I need water.
-Jihyo: You can't do that, your body will only accept blood.
-Y/N: Bring me blood then!

Jihyo then approaches the bed and sits on my lap while exposing her neck to me. So tempting for me, I newbie vampire who barely resisted.

-Jihyo: Serve yourself (smirks)
-Y/N: I hate you.
-Jihyo: But you need me, just do it Y/N.

I pierce Jihyo's neck with my fangs and start sucking like there's no tomorrow. She's incredibly delicious, so addictive, I want more of her, much more.

-Jihyo: Enough! (pushes me) Now you checked how much you need me, so remain here and I'll make you a king.
-Y/N: I hate you.
-Jihyo: You can't deny what's obvious Y/N, you belong to the other side of the coin now. Forget about humans and join your princess, I'll make you the happiest vampire ever (smirks and kisses me)

(A: I want to write more about it... What should I do guys? 😂 Maybe a book is an option too...)

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