LIBRARY prt.2 - Nayeon

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REQUEST: StarZero135

Y/N'S POVToday I'm with the best mood ever! I've been able to finally rest as I already understood math yesterday

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Today I'm with the best mood ever! I've been able to finally rest as I already understood math yesterday... But that's not the best part, tonight I dreamt about Nayeon.

In my dream we were at the library jsut as always and we repeated our meeting again. I guess that I dreamt about so because I really liked how we met. And now I'm craving to look for her at high school.

For now, I head downstairs where my mom is preparing breakfast. I casually greet her with a kiss at her cheek and a "good morning". She looks kind of surprised of my sudden actions.

"What's wrong with you today?" asks while placing the food in front of me. "I'm just happy I guess" I answer smiling sincerely.

It's really been a while since I felt this way, is this Nayeon's effect? Anyways, I finish my breakfast and now I'm heading to the high school.

As always, a lot of girls approach me to greet me, but since I started talking with Nayeon, I can only look at her. It's weird, I officially know her since yesterday... But I already felt curious about her since I started going to that library.

Anyways, now I need to head back to my class and kill those final exams! I need to show to Nayeon that she helped me a lot, so I hope to score a really good mark.

The last period before our lunch break ends, which means that is time for me to try and look for my bunny friend.

I walk all the way looking for Nayeon, but it seems like she's no where. Did something happen to her? Ugh, how would I love to have my phone and write her... Sadly I don't have it.

Maybe I should ask any of her classmates, which class did she say that she goes to? Oh yeah! Class B. If I'm not wrong, the future queen bed Joy attends to that class. I know her so maybe she helps me out.

I start looking around for Joy, but she's easily found as she's always surrounded by a crowd. I approach the mentioned crowd and they make a way so I can get to Joy.

Just when I'm about a meter away from her, she notices me. And with a plastered smile greets me "Y/Nie, did you think about having lunch with me?" says. I smile at her and reply back "not exactly, I was looking for you because you might help me..." I say trying to be nice.

"Tell me then dear, how can I help you?" says while winking at me. "Do you know this girl named Im Nayeon?" she then looks at me with a confused face and answers "you mean the nerd with the bottle glasses?"

That somehow makes me get pissed, how does she dare to say so about Nayeon? "Hey, you should look out what you say about her. I'll may get angry. Anyways, did she come today?" I say with a serious face. "She did, why?" asks with a bitchy attitude.

"You don't need to know. Thanks for the information anyways." I sat living her dumbfounded. She really made me get pissed.

Now I need to find Nayeon, I promised her that I would. I look everywhere, and Nayeon is no where to be found. Where the hell is she?

I suddenly see the rooftop's door open, maybe she's there? I quickly run upstairs, and once I arrive I hear some sobs.

I follow the little noises until find her, my little bunny. But wait, is she crying? I gently sit next to her at the floor, and slowly tap her shoulder making her look at me.

"Y-Y/N?" says with a little voice. I nod and with a worried face I ask her "why are you crying here alone?" she just looks back at the floor before answering. "I may have forgotten to mention yesterday that I'm the class' nerd and that they bully me... *sobs* I'm sorry, I promised you that I would use my contact lens but they just..." "It's okay, I understand. But what a waste! Although, looking at you carefully... You look like an interesting sexy teacher with glasses" I say trying to comfort her.

I can observe how she blushes because of what I said. "I don't think so... *smiles* but thanks anyways Y/N" I nod with a friendly smile. "You know, I've been looking for you for a good time... I really wish to have my phone so I can find you easier and faster" I say while chuckling.

She seems surprised of what I said "Did you really look for me? I mean, you are Y/L/N  Y/N, you are the first year's hottie. And I'm just a nerd..." says while looking straight to my eyes.

"C'mon Nayeon, I don't look at you as a nerd. You are for me the prettiest girl all over the school and also the smartest. That really makes you awesome!" I say but then blushing realizing what I just said.

"Do you really think so about me?" says while resting her head on my shoulder. "I really do, you are the ideal type everyone would want to date..." she then looks up to me blushing really hard, but it doesn't matter cause I'm blushing as well.

"Uhm, I'm sorry... I maybe talked to much Nayeon..." I say trying to avoid the eye contact. She suddenly grabs my hand and starts talking " It's okay, you really cheered me a lot today. I'm really thankful that you are my... Friend?" she seemed unsure of saying that we are friends, but I want to make sure that she can count on me.

"Yup, it's official, we established a friendship. Now whenever you don't feel okay, you can tell me and I'll be here for you" I say with a big smile plastered at my face.

"You better have your phone back soon, cause I'll really need you by my side..." says cutely. "Don't worry, there's this cute girl who helped me in a library studying math, and now I'm sure that I killed the exam" I say smirking and making her laugh.

Uncounciously, I let go some words that are inside my head " I swear for god that you have the best laugh ever..." I then blushed because of what I said, I'm just an idiot. How could I say so?

"Y/N you are going to make me fall for you this way..." jokes trying to hide her red tint at her cheeks. I just chuckle at her "Well let's see what happens in a future" I say while getting up again. "Let's go class Nayeon?" she nods and we head to our last day's periods.

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