SECRETARY prt. 2- Sana

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Y/N'S POV It's been some days since Sana last trick to tease me, I wonder what's going on with her, as I can see on her schedule, she has to meet his father today

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It's been some days since Sana last trick to tease me, I wonder what's going on with her, as I can see on her schedule, she has to meet his father today. I wonder the reason...

-Y/N: Sana, get ready we need to be on time to your father's meeting... I guess he'll want to discuss something important with you...
-Sana: I really don't want to go, I already know what's gonna happen today...
-Y/N: Then, it'll be fast, let's go. I already asked for a car to bring us...
-Sana: You never listen to me, Y/N-ah, we should pay more attention to each other...
-Y/N: I already pay attention to you, if not I would completely ignore you.
-Sana: You mean that you only pay attention to me because it's your job?
-Y/N: Sana you can be smart sometimes, I'm glad that you understood (fake smiles)
-Sana: You are too cold you know? I would like you to be nicer with me sometimes... (sighs)
-Y/N: I'm not the one supposed to do such thing, you already have your relatives, friends and your fian-
-Sana: Don't say it, stupid! (pissed)
-Y/N: Woah, I would think that you hate him if it wasn't because you look happy with him...
-Sana: Happy? Do you really think that I look happy? I guess you don't pay too attention to me after all...
-Y/N: Anyways, we are already here, I'll wait for you outside the room.
-Sana: Can't you enter as well?
-Y/N: I can't, I have to wait with the other secretaries outside, that's what they ordered me (srughs)
-Sana: Just don't... Don't go away too much, okay?
-Y/N: Don't worry, I'll be outside if you need something...
-Sana: Thanks (smiles and enters)

Did she just smile? The arrogant and best teaser ever, just smiled at me? Anyways, I can't get distracted, I need to focus just in case they need something... Meanwhile, I'll take a seat with Mr. Minatozaki's secretary, aka, Kim Seokjin, and Taehyung's Park Jihyo. He's Sana's fiance.

-Jihyo: Hey Y/N-ah, it's been a while since we last seen each other... I was expecting you the other day... (smiles)
-Y/N: Yeah, I'm sorry, Sana didn't want to come after all... (smiles)
-Jihyo: I see... (smiles) it must be hard being her secretary, right?
-Y/N: Well yeah, how about being Taehyung's one?
-Jihyo: It's hard too, he just wants to spend time with his friends...
-Y/N: I see...
-Seokjin: Y/N, what did we talk about complaining about our jobs?
-Y/N: Oh yeah, I'm sorry hyung... (bows)

Seokjin, is my older brother, as I said before, my family serves Sana's, and he's in charge of Sana's father.

-Jihyo: Y/N-ah, do you have holidays soon? (smiles)
-Y/N: Yeah, I think that I'll have a break this weekend (smiles)
-Jihyo: What are you going to do during the break? (smiles)
-Y/N: Hmm, I haven't thought about any specific plan...
-Jihyo: How about if we hang out? (smiles)
-Seokjin: Y/N, Sana is here... (serious)

I turn around to find Sana, upset? Sad? Wait, did she cry? How's possible? She entered just some minutes ago... What the hell happened in that office?

Sana starts running to where God knows where, aish... Although she's too much to handle sometimes, I don't like seeing her in that way...

-Y/N: Sorry Jihyo-ah, I need to go after her, I don't know why is she like that... (smiles)
-Jihyo: Sure, we'll talk another time, here (hands me a paper) It's my number, write me whenever you are free, okay? (smiles)
-Y/N: I will! (smiles) See you later hyung! (waves and starts running)

I start looking through the whole building for Sana, but she's no where to be found... Where the hell did she go? I head outside to our car, and she's in there... Ah, finally!

I approach her and enter the car, of course I sit at the drivers seat, since I'm the one in charge of it.

-Y/N: Are you okay?
-Sana: Do I look okay for you?
-Y/N: No, that's why I'm asking...
-Sana: Why don't you return with that secretary, huh? You seemed so happy while talking with her...
-Y/N: Which secretary? Oh, you mean Jihyo-ah? We are good friends I guess, we both have the same job so it's easy to understand each other... (chuckles)
-Sana: Jihyo-ah... Ugh! I hate you so bad! You are an idiot! (tears up)
-Y/N: Uh... Did I say something wrong? Let me apologize then (bows)
-Sana: Why do you even apologize if you don't know the reason why I'm hurted!?
-Y/N: You are right, I'm sorry (bows)
-Sana: Stop apologizing! (pissed)
-Y/N: Okay, then... What do you want me to do?
-Sana: Hug me.
-Y/N: Sorry, did I hear correctly?
-Sana: I said "hug me", can't you understand something that easy?!
-Y/N: But Sana, your dad is around the building, and also your fiance, we might be in problems if someone sees us, and the other day I already had to face your dad because of this games of yours... I would prefer if you stopped teasing me.
-Sana: Teasing? Do you consider this as a game?
-Y/N: I always thought that you like to play around with me a lot... (sighs) Sorry if I misunderstood you. I'll try my best next time.
-Sana: Good, try your best now. Hug me.
-Y/N: You didn't listen to me... (sighs)
-Sana: What's that?
-Y/N: What's what?
-Sana: (picks a paper) This thing that fell from your pocket...
-Y/N: Oh that's-
-Sana: "Call me soon, I look forward to hang together, Jihyo" (pissed) Seriously?!
-Y/N: W-What's the problem? (confused)
-Sana: I don't want you to talk to her, you can't hang with her neither. (breaks the paper into thousand pieces)
-Y/N: Yah! You are crazy?!
-Sana: (glares at me) And you even dare to talk to me in that way?
-Y/N: Sana I'm your secretary, you can't control my private life. (serious)
-Sana: Of course I can, I'm part of your private life too.
-Y/N: Who said so?
-Sana: I said it!
-Y/N: You can't decide that!
-Sana: I can, cause there's something between we two, you just don't want to see it... Open your eyes idiot!
-Y/N: I have them wide open, and I just can see a secretary and a bossy girl who likes to make his life miserable!
-Sana: You think so about me? (disappointed) Fine, do whatever you want from now on...
-Y/N: Oh, uhm maybe I said-
-Sana: Shut your mouth! I don't want to hear you anymore... Bring me back home.
-Y/N: (nods and starts driving)

I start heading back home, I'm kind of scared now... We never argued like this before... I'm afraid that she can fire me now... What would my family think about this?!

After some minutes, we finally arrive back at home. And Sana heads to her room without saying a thing... Ah, I really made it... I shouldn't had said those things before...

-Y/N: I'm back...
-Mom: Welcome back, how was it? Your brother was there too (smiles)
-Y/N: Sana might fire me now... (sighs)
-Mom: What do you mean?
-Y/N: I probably said to much today... It's just that I was really pissed... I couldn't handle it anymore.
-Mom: Find her, and talk with her seriously... You need to be back as you were before. She's not going through a good moment.
-Y/N: What do you mean?
-Mom: Sana doesn't want to marry that boy, and they are marrying next month, that's what Mrs. Minatozaki explained to me... But her father is so stubborn, there's nothing to do.
-Y/N: That's why she was crying before! Oh man, I've been so clueless and cold towards her all this time...
-Mom: Go with her, and solve this problem, as her secretary it's your job.
-Y/N: Fine...

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