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Petals from the beautiful cherry blossom trees stood out vibrantly in the neighborhood, blowing in the light wind and gently falling to the ground in a slow manner. The pink color of these flowers were a sight to see for everyone during this time of year, and it paired well with the beautiful blue sky just up above. White clouds hovered here and there without a care, looking down at everything below them.

I walked along the streets of the empty neighborhood, embracing myself in the calm silence surrounding me. The atmosphere was carefree when I was alone like this, making everything in the world seem a bit more pleasant. A small smile began to form on my face, as for the first time in a long time, I felt numb to the painful emotions of this world.

"Ha ha, he calls himself 'invincible?!' Is this kid alright in the head or what?! Ha ha ha!"


The smile that was growing slowly disappeared, replaced with a scowl that changed my complexion into an annoyed one. My fists started clenching tightly at my sides. I could feel the anger and irritation pouring and stirring within me. Shut up... I secretly begged. I just want to be alone.

I want to enjoy myself in a positive state of mind for once, I want to smile gratefully, but I guess I just can't. These guys ruined my moment. I mentally sighed in defeat, losing to reality. It was all illusory anyway.

Looking up and relaxing myself, I noticed a gang of 6 dudes coming around the corner, and one look told you they could only be serious trouble. I figured the best thing to do in this situation was to walk away and hope to not be descried, but I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to stop.

"What do we have here?"

My whole body paused. I could feel the presence of the other 5 boys surrounding me, while I could only stare at the ground with my eyes dilated from fear. Yes, I was really scared. My heart felt like it could jump out of my chest any moment due to its rapid beating rate, and my whole body trembled and shook with fear. Questions of worry and panic flooded my brain, but there was one that floated apart from the others.

What's going to happen to me?

"Is this the girl that boss talked about? She has h/l, h/c hair, and wears a black hair tie on her wrist."

What did I do wrong? Why am I associated with these delinquents?

"Boss knows Mikey's past well and he said to at least leave a mental or physical scar on everyone he is and was close to."

Who's Mikey? I don't remember being connected to anyone named Mikey. Or is that an alias for someone I know? Before I could open my mouth to ask, one of them spoke up.

"Turn around."

Following his command, I slowly turned around to be met with the smirk of an ugly dude who was probably their leader. He pushed me harshly onto the ground, my palm getting cut from a sharp rock in the process. The sensory receptors in my skin immediately did its job, and I hissed from the pain that I wasn't used to feeling too often. However, that's when I noticed blood slowly coming out of the wound.

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