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I pretended to fall asleep on y/n's bed to see what she would do. I'll admit I was nervous, but I was still really curious.

"Hm? Baji-kun? Are you sleeping?" I could feel her waving her hand over my face, but I stayed relaxed. "Looks like you are."

She really fell for my act, I thought. Y/n started opening drawers in her room, taking out stuff. Oh gosh, now I was kinda scared. She better not draw on my face, or put something disgusting like a bug on me.

I thought of scaring her by going "Raa!" when she least expected it. Or wait... maybe she could actually see through this fake sleeping, but who cares. This was going to be fun.

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt y/n's hands in my hair. What the hell is she doing? I think she's tying my hair up. I started to regret this, but her fingers in my hair felt nice, not gonna lie.

I tried to distract myself and thought of a conversation with Chifuyu a few days ago at school.

"Writing another letter weirdo?" Chifuyu asked as he sat in front of my desk.


"A love letter?"

"Yeah... I MEAN -"

"Let me guess... y/n?"

"... what if I said no?"

"Then I'll be bummed."

"Why does everyone ship me with her?!" I mumbled, my face turning red.

"You 2 are cute that's why. Is it a confession letter?" Chifuyu smirked.

"Yeah, but I'm not planning on giving it to her today... or maybe anytime soon. Mikey won't stop teasing me about it all, so I figured writing a letter and getting this over with will make him stop."

"Make sure to give it to me so I can correct your mistakes then."

"Okay." The letter took me a long time to write, as I wasn't one to express my feelings through words very well. But I knew y/n would at least like it... right?

"Finished." I gave the letter to Chifuyu. He took the paper and read through it.

"PFF -"

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