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I repetitively tapped my foot as I waited for Baji outside his apartment. He had left something in my room, and I wanted to return it as soon as possible before I go crazy over it.

Baji is my boyfriend, I thought, making myself red. It's getting hot.

Time went by in a painful, slow way, the impatience and anticipation in me only growing more and more. Checking the time, I took out my phone. He ends school around this time, so where is he?

As I was about to take my back off the wall and go home, I saw a boy with slicked back hair and glasses come up the stairs, walking my way. Why does he look familiar? He didn't notice me yet, but as he came closer, my jaw dropped.


The nerd looked up at me, and it was Baji. He looked surprised, obviously not expecting me to be here. Baji quickly took off his glasses and put them in his pocket.

"Y/n, what are you doing here?!"

"Why are you dressed like that?" I burst out laughing. Baji knew how to make me laugh a lot, too. So much that I started wiping tears from my eyes. Was this even worse than when I put his hair in pigtails?

"Just answer my damn question..." He said. Looks like he was the one who was a tomato this time.

After I calmed down, I handed him his hoodie. "You left it at my place."

Baji smirked. "You don't want it?"

Trust me, I want it, I said in my head. But, "It's your hoodie," is what came out of my mouth.

"I figured you'd want it. You can keep it," Baji revealed his sharp canine teeth, grinning at me. He knows how to make me weak...

Baji laughed as he opened the door to his apartment. I came inside and followed him into his room, throwing the hoodie onto his bed. The boy picked up the hoodie and threw it back at me.

"Keep it."

I sighed in defeat. Baji is so damn stubborn. "Fine. But you still didn't answer my question. Why were you dressed like a nerd?"

He didn't say anything, just continued putting his stuff away. I was lowkey getting kinda ticked off. Just as I was about to speak up again, he cut me off, finally saying something.

"I got held back a grade. And I don't wanna make my mom cry..."

The last part was cute, bringing a smile to my face. "I see. Well, I gotta go now. Let's have a study date. My place, on Friday, at 7 PM."

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