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Pulling up at Toman's meetup area, I got off of Baji's bike and went to greet the others. Mikey as always, was happy to see me, greeting me with that big smile of his.


"You brought your wifey with you?" Draken asked Baji.

"Yeah. She can come anytime, right?"

"Might as well have her join Toman already," Mikey joked. Or was he being for real? All of us just looked at him, silently asking if that was a joke or not.

"I'm being serious. Y/n can be our first official female member. Wouldn't that be cool?" Mikey grinned with his eyes closed. Suddenly, all the boys in the area had their eyes set on me.

"Eh? Me? Toman? Wha?" There's NO WAY I could be a member of Toma -

"Yeah, why not," Draken said, interrupting my thoughts. Do you want me to die, Draken? I thought.

"That's her decision." Baji ruffled up my hair... like usual.

"Let me think about it," I nervously told Mikey. The blonde nodded cheerfully at my response, before suddenly slinging his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in toward him. "I wish I had a girlfriend ~"

Baji removed his arm from my shoulder almost immediately. "Don't touch her."

"Someone's getting jealous ~" Mikey teased. He snickered as he revved the engine of his bike.

"This is Toman's meeting place!"

"Who do you think you are to come here?!"

Commotion started to arise nearby, catching the attention of all of us. Mitsuya went up to a blonde kid with a girl next to him. Who is he? He's not wearing Toman's uniform.

"You Takemitchy?" Mitsuya asked the boy. When the boy said yes, he kicked the guy scaring the so called 'commander's guest.'

"Yo, Takemitchy," Mikey said. "Sorry for calling you out of the blue like this."

"You brought your girlfriend? Actually that's fine. Hina-chan, sorry about before. I was just testing Takemitchy," Draken apologized.

"It's okay," the pink-haired girl replied. She seemed extremely nice.

"Oi! Emma! This girl is Takemitchy's wifey who's tagging along. Be sure to protect her."

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